Why do hapas look more European than mulattos or mestizos?
Why do hapas look more European than mulattos or mestizos?
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Most hapas don’t look like that. I haven’t seen any Mexicans IRL but from the images I’ve seen they look whiter.
it;s really hard for be to tell if they are hapa or mexican. idk why though>
Not sure if it's true (look at the hapas born from sexual tourism in thailand) but assuming it is: most mestizos last fully european relative was born in 1800 or something, while hapas are manly white parent + asian parent. Also, Hapas are generally part anglo while mestizos are part spanish who by definition aren't as white as the rest of europeans because of their moorish blood.
Depends the mix
This is a happa
Because when Europeans and Orientals mix, they will favour one of the parents and both parents are human.
When someone mixes with a black or brown person, they are half animal, so they look ugly.
Yeah, thanks for that. All of those look more European to me than the OP who is on the whiter side for a hapa.
Natives are just as mongol as japs or koreans.
they don't. you think they look more european because they have white-ish skin, but their faces always look very non-white.
They aren't. The ones we slaughtered hundreds of years ago weren't either.
>but their faces always look very non-white.
>this looks white in the USA
They look like more like aliens. And 99% of the time that “one of the parents” is the oriental parent.
>And 99% of the time that “one of the parents” is the oriental parent.
Go outside and meet more Eurasians.
Mixing with mestiozs and mena is way better than mixing with asians since the former get bleached and end up looking european overall
You have no idea what you're talking about, dumb mutt.
We don’t have that many here, but the ones I’ve seen look pretty much oriental or oriental with lighter hair/skin.
You don't you coping hapa
>dumb mutt
>t. the same poster arguing that pic related look white
chileans from poor upbringing (up to 60% native) are basically brown-pigmented asians.
Looks white but retarded and deformed like all non-whites. Actually, they look very berber or turkish.
I'm 100% European, Raul.
>cherry picking
>but retarded and deformed like all non-whites
would marry the cycling girl
Why do Amerindians have light skin?
depends on the type of amerindian
I'm am too and you don't know what your talking about if you think hapas look white
You don't know what you're talking about, dumb mutt.
I'm not even a euro mutt I'm almost 90% Irish you stupid chinkoid lover
>being this desesperate to be bleached
Mongoloids are pathetic. Natives, asians... Whatever...
Mutt is seething now lol
your proxy messed up
>An international team discovered a new genetic variant associated with lighter skin found only in Native American and East Asian populations
post your non mongoloid eye
Fuck off sandnigger paki. I am arab but very white looking and not deformed. Be ugly somewhere else lol.
You first.
Blacks at least have big dicks and some are tall. We are short and we have too many feminine traits to compete with caucasians
Kys self-hating ethnic
That man looks like a mix of Asian, caucasian and african though, not really hapa
It’s not though. You cherrypicked that image of the most Mexican looking hapa you could find when most of them look chink as fuck. In fact that compilation of hapas I posted are all actors and models. Your actual average hapa is even more oriental looking than that.
Go away Brazilian proxy
im not the one shilliing for asian white interracial relationships
negroids want to get bleached too but they arent because sheboons are too ugly
negros are too low iq to compete with anyone
til hapas just look like Manchus
I'm not the mutt with poop eyes and brown nipples. It's ok, you're scared. I get it.
half of ANE had EDAR variants, so they would likely have coarser hair and little facial hair
no it's the wh*tes who are deformed and retarded
black chicks are hot, way hotter than asians
ok so you are hapa
Guess we'll never find out since you won't post your brown eyes.
not black americans
if you say so... pic is 1/4 asian
im not the one claiming to be white
She pass as finnish or polish
Because you aren't, and thus your words don't matter.
because of your shitty mutt culture, no it's actually not even a culture, it's the anticulture
The gap between her eyes is wider than the width of her mouth.
im not white and idc, now prove you arent a deranged hapa by posting your eyes
>im not white
Stopped reading.
storm druid we all know its you the mentally ill hapa
holy fuck you're delusional kek
hes a mentally ill hapa, dont even try arguing with him
>tfw this thing is 3/4ths white
Because most spics are muttified to death, they are mostly 85% injun 15% spanish, also injuns are way darker than east asians
indians vary in skintone depending on region
why are Jow Forumscels always trying prove Europeans and Asians are closer than they really are, you don't need to justify liking who you like
op is a deranged hapa cuck
White man with a Chinese girlfriend here
she looks thai/viet
>The most distinct looking people in the planet with a bug-like collectivist behavior
nice bait