He didn't buy the best store of value on the ethereum network

>he didn't buy the best store of value on the ethereum network
>he continues to bleed money on ETH, an inflationary crypto

Attached: 0xbtcminer.png (495x714, 271K)

In time they will join us in the sun. People have forgotten the lessons of the original Bitcoin. Good money will prevail.

$4 down to 60c is a greater fall than eth has had

that was only because of asian mining farms. difficulty dropped already and it drops once again in a month and a half.

It will have a much greater pump, too. Look up the price history of Bitcoin. "Store of value" doesn't mean "never has huge crashes." That's inherent to crypto.


why is the price history of bitcoin relevant to your shitcoin in any way at all?

Mining economics might lead to similar trends since BTC and 0xBTC have virtually identical distributional methodology

lots of proof of work coins with low supply have had pnds then died
what makes this any different? yes I understand it's on eth and doesn't even have its own blockchain but that doesn't make it "the next btc" like you pajeets claim every thread

mining difficulty readjustment

0xBTC is better than the other pnd shitcoins since it has something else going for it - interaction with smart contracts on the most ubiquitous smart contract platform in the world (by far).

This coin has a unique use-case, the first of its kind. It's comparable to Bitcoin and Monero. For proof of its innovation, look at all the shitcoin clones of it that have already been created.

Of course clones of Bitcoin with their own chain are going to fail. A Bitcoin that can interact with Ethereum smart contracts will not; it has an actual use-case.

>Its comparable to bitcoin and monero
no it isn't

>huur it has clones
so do Ponzi games

>it has an actual use case
which is what exactly? saying something is a use case doesn't make it so if no one uses it

is volume below 40btc yet? dead shitcoin fuck off with your same tired old shill points, pajeet

A store of value and currency on the Ethereum chain. How many times do you have to have it spelled out for you?

BTW the "pajeet" FUD has already been blown out. You guys are getting so boring.

No one sane has said it's the next Bitcoin. It will not overtake BTC, but it doesn't need to overtake it, only to outperform it. And that it'll do by a huge margin.

Bumping for the #1 bull run of 2018

Attached: image.jpg (1280x581, 233K)

those words mean nothing if no one wants it and the only talk about the coin is from pajeets wanting some buy orders to dump on
pure delusion

t. Accumulating

There’s something about 0xBTC that makes it unique. Bitcoin as an ERC token is such a brilliant idea, you have to wonder why it had never been done before.

ETH will be more deflationary than 0xBTC once PoS comes and you become a staker

If you buy this over actual BTC, I think you actually deserve to stay poor.

Except that it's not faggot. It's not the first minable token. It has no use case. You Discord faggot pajeets literally have a channel on your discord called "Jow Forums shilling" holy crap you people never leave

What makes it unique is being the first minable token. No one had created that class of tokens; that's why it hadn't been done. The IDEA of Bitcoin on Ethereum had been used, but they were all non-minable scams, like eBTC.

>please please please buy my shitcoin bags

t. bag holding pajeet



>he thinks it's a shitcoin


Keep buying your ICOs, you'll make it one day.

>implying everything not 0xBTC is an ICO

Faggot pajeet

I'm comfy af

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Post the first. =)

>REEEE it's not the next btc
>it will outperform btc!!!!!11!!!
fuck off

If you're in Bitcoin and Monero, I commend you.

They literally have a shill campaign on their Discord. They will sit on Jow Forums for 8+ hours a day promoting this crap.

>50 cents to $100 = 200x
>$6500 to $1,000,000 = 150x

I wonder which comes first.

your shitcoin will never hit $100

Oh sweetie

ok we get dude you say good things about this coin with no proof dude alright

Oh stupid you. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you fucks saying it won't be the next bitcoin then claim it will outperform it.
btc had no value at its inception so fuck off. Even in your example it hasn't out performed bitcoin

wtf are you talking about? We're speaking of gains you can realize now, in the moment, without a time machine. Not the entire history of Bitcoin. Are you on this board to make money or just shitpost?

>I don't know how to use Google


do you also think link will be 1k eoy? Lmao

I'm pretty sure you're the one who's shitposing. Just drop the shilling and move on.

Wrong. It will have infinite inflation.

There will always only be 21million 0xBTC

No. Because link has a ludicrous total supply.

and monero has theoretically infinite inflation but that doesn't mean shit now does it lad

Not to mention a ridiculously unbalanced distribution ie. the devs hold multiple billions of the shit and will dump the fuck out of it as soon as it gets anywhere near $3

also the smart contract can just be edited to add more tokens to the total supply and because the proof of work doesn't actually serve any consensus there is nothing you pajeets can do about it

Does it? A honeypot for pedophiles has infinite inflation? Wow how irrelevant to the subject of money.

>It's not the first minable token.

Actually it IS the first fully mineable token. There have been experiments like Minereum (which has genesis wallets with special privileges and thus not pure mined) and ECoin (which is "merge mined" with Ether and also not its own PoW system) but nothing on Ethereum before 0xBTC was pure mined from the first block.

This is like June levels of FUD you need to call Boss Rajesh and tell him to give you the updated FUD sheet.

> You Discord faggot pajeets literally have a channel on your discord called "Jow Forums shilling" holy crap you people never leave

Pic related, you're not on the right Discord, Arjun. You deserve a pay cut.

>They literally have a shill campaign on their Discord. They will sit on Jow Forums for 8+ hours a day promoting this crap.

Prove it with screenshots. I literally lurk the discord 12 hours a day at work and have NEVER SEEN THIS.

>Wrong. It will have infinite inflation.

Is infinite inflation a sneak preview of the September FUD?

Attached: 0xBTC Discord Channels.png (230x935, 27K)

It can’t be edited you complete mongchild.

>0xbtc shills are this retarded
I thought your shitcoin was a pure currency just like monero??? now you are shit talking monero because it destroys your shitty little shill???
kys pajeet

>marketing tab
now scroll up and show the posts where they talk about shilling on Jow Forums and using fake reddit accounts to post lame fud which only serves to further reinforce whatever the shills were talking about

0xbtc isn't it's own pow system either...

4 types of people.

>Accumulating 0xBTC and shilling because I understand the magnitude of the situation and want to help others
>Accumulating 0xBTC but FUDing because I want others to sell and miss the opportunity and keep the price low
>Not buying 0xBTC and FUDing because I really know nothing about cryptoeconomics and don't understand Bitcoin, and/or Ethereum, and the future of smart contracts

The unfortunate last person is theorized to exist : the one too poor to buy but shills anyways because they are cool as fuck.

>0xBitcoin isn't the first fully mineable ERC20 token
>The Discord (at public address discord [dot] gg [slash] xAPwaDC has a biz shilling channel)
>Since the supply halves as it reaches 21 million and has some degree distribution expected for 100 years, 0xBitcoin has infinite supply

This has to be, by far, the collective worst attempt at 0xBitcoin FUD I have seen since the inception of the token in February. Jesus Christ.

Attached: 1531102811887-biz.png (931x525, 701K)

Can you post a screenshot? That is all I'm asking of you is to just post a screenshot of an organized biz shilling attempt or organized reddit account faking. That is all I ask.

>0xbtc isn't it's own pow system either

When you mine 0xBTC, you are mining 0xBTC plus whatever merge mines with it. This is opposed to ECoin, which is obtained by mining Ether. You submit proof of your work to the 0xBTC smart contract and are rewarded with tokens; this system that uses proof of your work is called proof of work, fyi.

>we’re all one person.

Kys strawmanning twerp

Anyone with half a brain will see this pajeet unoriginal trash for what it iss

Moving on..........

Back to your ICO bagholding then. Cya

> It's not the first minable token.

> You Discord faggot pajeets literally have a channel on your discord called "Jow Forums shilling"

>also the smart contract can just be edited to add more tokens

> scroll up and show the posts where they talk about shilling on Jow Forums and using fake reddit accounts to post lame fud

Are you two going to let this thread archive before you post a SINGLE piece of evidence for any of this? My God this is pathetic, even for paid pajeets that earn their money on Jow Forums