Attached: 4a5e8ae8807508d6ad6975209adc5d31.jpg (1200x800, 116K)
Imagine the stench
Samuel Sanchez
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Eli Torres
Whats up with these weird poses though. Its supposed to appeal to someone right? Like they took this so it could be given to patreon buyers or sold for some softcore porn site? Whose the target market here.
Jack Thompson
im in
Carson Nelson
Charles Cox
I like how she looks like a complete retard. That's hot.
Jack Lopez
Imagine never having seen a vagina before
Charles Rodriguez
Wyatt Price
>Pink panties
>Red lingerie
Not gonna make it
Joshua Lewis
She looks like she's high on meth.
Colton Lee
Probably smells like cigarettes. Quit being a faggot.
Lucas Phillips
Y-yeah! Imagine being a v-virgin loser who's never seen a girl's vagina before! Sad!
Bentley Carter
>Jow Forums - Business & Finance
Benjamin Ortiz
Julian King
would smash this filthy whore
Ian Lopez
psst, hey Goy, you like retarded girls? I have one for sale
Cameron Foster
You’ll never make it user
Julian Smith
You can stare all you want user but only large truly masculine men will get the pussy
Kevin Rivera
She actually looks pretty clean. Her socks aren't dirty and her hair looks washed. I'd say it's go time.
Jacob Taylor
You shouldn't have sex with the retarded, it's unethical.
Jaxson Campbell
why can I only get aroused by socks
Brody Roberts
Blake Scott
please post more, unironically
Nolan Davis
that chick has taken miles of dick
Connor Wood
Every girl that rejected me, I turn that anguish into pure energy which drives me to earn more money.
No girl has ever accepted when I ask her out. The anger grows, but so does my stack.
Jaxon Bell
tell that to them. Downies want nothing more than to go to poundtown on one another.
Carson Torres
enjoy your drug assisted suicide user
Brandon Morgan
>not amassing wealth just so you can build yourself a highly secure home in the middle of the desert where you can keep all the dumb roasties that rejected you and that you kidnapped
>inferior mode: amass wealth so you can amass influence and combine them to make the dumb roasties' lives horrible - get them fired from anywhere, pay DeShaun to turn them into single mothers, get them hooked on drugs, etc., then in their desperation, pay them literally peanuts so you can humiliate them in all your degenerate sexual fantasies
Mason Thompson
who is this, i need to know moar now
Gavin Jackson
>doing anything that requires effort, bravery cunning
pick only one user
Aiden Lee
Belgian chad went around Morocco filming how he fucks and pisses on dozens of roasties, promising them he'll take them to Belgium
all he did was distribute the CD's in Moroccan markets, getting the roasties arrested for being roasties (iirc I think some committed suicide)
Elijah Parker
She's named Kaede Aojima
Xavier Long
Tfw don't have to imagine