Could I pass as a local in your country? How popular are programmers in your cunt?

Could I pass as a local in your country? How popular are programmers in your cunt?

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God damnit monkey boy looks like a neanderthal

you look like you can handle this

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begone, crorat

A Greek god.

You look a bit foreign and I'm not quite sure what exactly it is.
Programmers are like 90% spergs. Maybe you're one of the 10% chads.

>You look a bit foreign and I'm not quite sure what exactly it is.
Could it be the hair? I used to have it longer

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Majmun alban

people usually tell me that i am very flap-eared

>this is how the ex-yu poster entertains himself over the weekend
Leave monkeyboi alone

Lmao I know that guy.
I wonder if he is still around.

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He is and he is very cancerous, always shits up our exyu threads, this is his sister bojana laban

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He was always my favorite sperg

Pravi momak dobar decko

You have Hair of Bosnian War Criminal


I'm not a sperg.

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mili Boze...

чиcтoкpвнa шиптapcкa кypвeтинa дби

apeboy literally on lifesupport frrrrf

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God is a serb

If that's the case then I guess he really hates Serbia

indeed, but the guy on the picture is an Albanian

Yes. Not at all.