Could I pass as a local in your country? How popular are programmers in your cunt?
Could I pass as a local in your country? How popular are programmers in your cunt?
God damnit monkey boy looks like a neanderthal
you look like you can handle this
begone, crorat
A Greek god.
You look a bit foreign and I'm not quite sure what exactly it is.
Programmers are like 90% spergs. Maybe you're one of the 10% chads.
>You look a bit foreign and I'm not quite sure what exactly it is.
Could it be the hair? I used to have it longer
Majmun alban
people usually tell me that i am very flap-eared
>this is how the ex-yu poster entertains himself over the weekend
Leave monkeyboi alone
Lmao I know that guy.
I wonder if he is still around.
He is and he is very cancerous, always shits up our exyu threads, this is his sister bojana laban
He was always my favorite sperg
Pravi momak dobar decko
You have Hair of Bosnian War Criminal
I'm not a sperg.
mili Boze...
чиcтoкpвнa шиптapcкa кypвeтинa дби
apeboy literally on lifesupport frrrrf
God is a serb
If that's the case then I guess he really hates Serbia
indeed, but the guy on the picture is an Albanian
Yes. Not at all.