What is it that makes some men fall under pressure?

What is it that makes some men fall under pressure?

>be with one of the best sales reps in the company at a sales meeting
>guy is forced into an impromptu sales role play with the CEO of our company
>guys hands start shaking
>guy stutters and forgets what he’s going to say
>looks like a complete moron to everyone in the company

Is it weakness?

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respecting others more than yourself OP

Did this happen recently or a few years ago

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Few years ago. Guy ended up getting fired a couple months ago so they gave him the benefit of the doubt...for a while

you should have realized that the CEO is an ass kissing lowlife with disregard for anything but muh bottom line.
They got to the top by people pleasing and being fake to everyone they meet.
That's why they're beneath you and you can't bow your head to the likes of him.

Oh OK, well wasn't me but i spaghetti'd in a similar manner and nearly got fired for it. But for me I just hate role playing, especially with someone who can fire me.

Certain people are more comfortable in certain situations. A salesman is good with a first meeting, with navigating a whole array of different personality types and figuring out how to do their job with whoever is in front of them. It's an extraordinary skill to be a truly talented sales man, and it's an easy skill to admire -- it often bleeds over into other forms of interpersonal communication. I'm sure you/your buddy is hilarious, sharp, and immensely competent.

That does not mean that they're some sort of ubermensch prepared for any and every situation. The CEO wants to play a game -- that is not sales. That is conceptually an entirely new arena. The degree of artificiality, the power dynamics, worries about advancement or money, anything could have played a part in turning you/your friend into a stuttering idiot. For all their competence, that particular situation is what fucked their dog.

Only sociopaths rise to every occasion without fail; if you/your buddy is smart, they'll learn from this instead of dwelling on it. Make it a joke, and be prepared for this particular interaction in the future.

Imagine getting so worked up about failing in front of the CEO that you actually fail.

Better hope you virgins out there don't do this when you finally decide to give it up.

I get nervous performing almost anything in front of lots of people. Sometimes I can overcome it but it's only natural to be anxious if you know lots of people will be scrutinizing you.

People that view this as "weak" are generally low IQ. It's like a caveman's thought process.

You shouldn't blindly respect or disrepect you have to try to understand the situation and the background of the person you're dealing with and act accordingly

imagine justifying weakness cuz you're scared of your thoughts more than you respect yourself.
imagine having respect for anyone above your self.
imagine justifying all this cuz muh superior IQ

no worries, but I hope you guys see the way out of your dire situations

>imagine imagine imagine

You post like an angsty college kid.

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Are you a teenager?

imagine thinking anyone will care about your weak insults.

bro. try meditation. I suggest headspace. It's an app for both android and iPhone. I'd recommend anyone that suffers from anxiety (literally everyone on this board) to at least take a crack at it using just the free content to get a good base. It's gonna be tough to sit still for you but trying can't really make you any worse off.



>be different looking in a rural but growing area
>entire school career dont realize looking different makes out to being called weird and creepy
>try to be normal but cant cut it because it caters to majority surrounding you, not the minority
>have chip on shoulder, friends you thought were friends were just aquaintences all along.
>they dont invite you places because you dont look the part, and now you lash out sometimes. Othertimes you cannot help but sperg because you dont get out enough and it spirals on.
>grow up alienated, socially stunted. No one has perspective because they dont have empathy.
>realize 10 years later it really was because you are different while hipster snowflakes can get away being "different" because they are of kin.
>vacation with parents in another state, see kids that look like you socially adjusted and have dates.
>get depressed that you were molded from a shitty town with shitty people and it affected your life as far as networking, love and job potential in interviews
>what could have been
>youve been cheated.
>Your parents still hope. You explained the situation many times but they think you just need to relax more and its all in your head
>dont understand the importance of peers and socialization or a sense of belonging.
Thats how a man buckles into pressure.

This, what kind of retarded CEO starts a "game" like this where power dynamics are so different a lot of people would do the same thing as the sales rep, because now your real goal is not selling him a product, but impressing him for a financial gain all the while faking selling.

the only way out is the sociopath pill. you will never experience what other people experience. you will always view things from an outside, zoomed out perspective. this has been a weakness for you all your life, but if you can embrace the lack of investment that you feel toward the typical normie trappings, you can be more free than anyone you know. it is scary to embrace sociopathy, it is a lot of work, but it is the only way you will achieve anything that you truly value.

Too much adrenaline. A beta-blocker will do wonders if you're having problems controlling adrenaline.

acting is the most valuable skill nowadays

Its more about coming up with dank memes and get no validation but your slothy whiny peers post stupid shit like their kids or some cd they found and get 145 likes.
Social dynamics are painful and proof evolution does not exist.

> my dank memes don't have likes on normiebook but stacy's holiday pics have 200
You have to go back

Imagine being so autistic that you can't empathize with common human experiences

you should focus on what you are trying to convey not who listen. gets better with practice.

Role playing with CEO is extremy retarded

how was your game of fortnight?

>wagecucks are human
i love this meme

plus it would take an incredibly stupid CEO not to realize it, I mean if the sales guy had been bringing in lots of new sales then that should speak for itself and confirm his competency

If you are constantly in situations that force you to take medication to overcome them, although you are not ill, change careers unless you make insanely good money. But even then debatable.

I had/have this problem too. What helps me is intently focus on providing VALUE in what I say, rather than letting thoughts on how I appear intrude. Focus on the message, not on yourself. This is not easy but it gets better with practice.

It's about practice and self esteem. If I'm a millionaire I wouldn't give a single fuck about some plebs. It's like in the gym if you are smaller, you are constantly thinking about what others think etc, but when you are bigger then others then it's like "i dont fucking care".

I was selling tickets and had to contact people and meet with them. After a couple of people you just stop worrying about it. I was like "is my shirt/hair ok- you know what, i'm too fucking tired of this".

So basically my suggestion is practicing social interactions, nofap for some time, lifting and most importantly not giving a fuck. Trump said how he handles pressure. He said " it doesn't matter at the end of the day". Choose couple of things that matter like family, health, religion, house. Everything else goes to the doesn't matter category.

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