Have 1k what should I get?

What should I get? Will I make it? I have 1k more to throw into crypto, after that I'm done throwing money in. I was thinking about throwing 500 more into link, buying 1 eth, and throwing the rest into HOT. What do you think of my plan? Any other ideas?

Attached: blockfolio.png (1080x1920, 200K)

Coss is a 100x play still.

Hold until eth bottoms out then CNVT ico or more LINK

I'm just gonna buy more LINK. I'm at 17K or so too.

I'll look into it
What exactly is CNVT, Im unsure if I should throw the 1k in right now or wait a little. I think Link could moon significantly any day with a major partnership coming out.

>putting anything into altcoins
>erc20 tkns
>not putting all your fiat into btc

Attached: ECECF0F0-2800-4C82-B097-5B7C566A2833.jpg (700x700, 35K)

i feel bad for all you idiots buying scamcoins instead of bitcoin

I'm not looking to make a few grand, I'm looking to set me up for the rest of my life, alts are the only way. Link is an era 677 coin anyways.

Why is Coss a 100x play still? Why. The exchange wasn't even working two days ago and this is after the weirdest fucking update post I've ever seen from the Coss team. "hurrr we rnt gunna tell u who iz werking for us nemore bc our talent got poached" FFR, who looks at Coss with less than 50k volume and goes OMFG I WANNA HIRE THAT GOOK LADY FROM A NON WORKING EXCHANGE. Dumb. COSS was a great idea executed by brainlets that tried to go cheap on devs while throwing videos of them partying to investors. Hopefully Rune jumps off a bridge and someone else takes over. I'd honestly prefer if a chink came and sent his men in black alien looking ass back to saturn.
t. bagholder that dumped, collected all FSA and regained losses from unironically LINK.

My suggestion is JNT, youll get like 10k for that


No idea what you are on about but just look at the chart and you will see why it's still a 100x.

Red pill me on JNT, I've seen it shilled here and saw that it has connections with Dubai royalty but don't know too much, I was thinking about looking more into it.

Honestly, recommend you just read the whitepaper as it's pretty short but can explain it better than me.
Basically a blockchain-based cannabis supply chain system.

I only have 10k myslef and am not an expert but it sounds like Dubai want to base their whole economy on this shit, tokenising assets like real estate for example and using jCash as money, all backed by the JNT token.


Unironically VET

Only 298 RLC? Dude, prices are so low right now you could have a huge stack. I bought at 1.20 so you could literally have 3x what I have for less than what I paid and I felt like I was getting a deal at 1.20 because this coin will be 500 by 2020

I bought a the bulk at around 2 so I feel somewhat cheated because everyone was predicting 3 bucks end of May, I also don't understand the project when compared to my main holds link and zil, so I haven't been buying.

It makes even more sense to buy some now then because it'll lower your cost average and if it goes up enough it'll erase the mistake of buying high. I'm not going to explain the coin though. Just know it's legit.


and dump that zil and hot. what a waste.

That sounds like bagholder delusion to me. Maybe I’m wrong though.

>Have 1k what should I get?
a decent portfolio, why did you buy all meme coins ffs

all in link

>What should I get?
Get the fuck off biz with your tiny cuck bag

and what exactly do you hold faggot

Ok wise one, what coins should I look at? Link may be a meme but it's a solid project with a good chance at truly mooning.