1) Cunt

1) Cunt
2) What's missing in your life

>paki gf

Attached: pepegib.jpg (1000x983, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>indian gf

Attached: 1545819051711.jpg (778x512, 45K)

My foreskin

>any gf


Attached: gorillongulags.jpg (458x418, 23K)

>free time WITH money

sanity and normality

Attached: Screenshot_2016-08-22-23-04-37.png (800x480, 167K)

h*man extinction

Everything. Friends, gf, Uni, job, confidence
I don't know what to do

Attached: 1554588060386.png (657x527, 31K)

>a cute norwegian gf

>a purpose

link please

Some time ago I had the same test you did and my results were much worse, every single field came out to be High or Very High except Antisocial

start with a job. You may meet new people and leaving your comfort zone might give you confidence

Same for me, but it's mostly false flag and the test is way too short.
A proper one should be 100+ questions long and it should have a professional in the room who looks at how you answer those

A lot of passive income


how do you get a job if you have a large work gap

Either a brown gf or a white bf

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I was as honest as possible

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wew guess i'm getting there according to this meme test

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Answered honestly

Attached: schiz.png (1366x628, 194K)

Always took the worst possible answer.
Paranoid is most likely true.

Attached: Unbenannt.png (528x430, 51K)

money. ive done everything ive wanted to d in life and i have the courage to make it all happen, but jesus christ i cant seem to make worth while money if my life depended on it. seriously considering joining a criminal organization


none of you beat mine

and I'm happy for that desu