Should I sell my Eth for more Link?
ChainLink/blockfolio thread
Well... yeah... obviously...
That's all I needed, I better not regret this.. well I mean it's ChainLink so probably not
I'd sell your BAT too but it's not a terrible pick.
If you wanna get rich: Yes. If you wanna stay poor: No
I would sell it for ZRX.
The fundamentals of BAT are great, online advertising has been broken for years, plus this is being run by the same guy who created JavaScript and Firefox. I hold it so if in the rare chance Link flops, I at least won't miss the bullrun completely
fair enough
Hard mode
>JavaScript and Firefox
I'd dump that shit as fast as I could in that case.
unironically this
Why is there so much hate on JavaScript?
>LINK goes down in value
>OMG moons
>miss out on hardspoon
I feel like I am cursed to live in that timeline if I trade it for LINK
Well you're currently in the timeline where Link is $2500 and OMG limps along
Why don’t you idiots just do the logical thing and buy everything? Pic related is a true chadfolio, although I now have an additional .1 BTC
Please give me a sound argument as to why link will be worth $2500 a piece, or anything even close to that. Shill me with all you've got
I'd normally say that if you have like, 10k invested into one coin maybe you'd want to diversify, but in this market I feel that making suggestions is beyond me
Haha holy shit what is this, a Boomer crypto index fund?
The memes say it'll be worth $2500 eoy, so that is what will happen. Simple really, no need to look any further into Link
If you throw enough darts you’re bound to hit a bullseye.
I don’t need to make it to the moon, I’ll settle for the clouds.
Probably the worst portfolio i've seen in months
Why don't you research and select a couple really fundementally solid coins that have a high chance of succeeding instead of spreading your money thinly across shitcoins. Even if one of those moons, you won't make much money from it
I wouldn't be surprised if it went up in value, but I don't believe the memes for one second
I'd go aurora IDEX if you want a (soon to be) staking token that has an actual value other than memes and dubs
You're basically asking if you should buy high, I don't know if you noticed but ETH/BTC has dropped below 0.05, thus making all of the ETH pairs moon (or appear so). ETH is super cheap rn, personally I would hold on to your ETH and wait for it to recover more then either sell it for BTC or LINK.
That depends on how much bigger those red candles get.
>I don't believe the memes for one second