Grug meet many far away grugs on tribe board

grug meet many far away grugs on tribe board

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grug cave painting many moons old

why amerigrug do strange thing?

>NOOOOOO grug can't rape girl grug

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>grug sad
>sexy grugina only want a grug with big cave and big club
>grug think grug should go on a mass rockthrowing

have bambam


maybe grug not happy because grug not meant to spend all time inside cave looking at paintings

maybe spend more time with tribe and more time in nature make grug happy

maybe new home of big tall caves and other tribesmen make grug brain ill

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don't be dumb
is long node tribe fault

>of course, gigagrud respect all grugs even if they have long nose or dirt skin. how knew?

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underrated post

>grugs like you make me think tribe should have better rock laws

Ash war paint don't make grug gigagrug

cave paintings tell grug to throw long nose in fire

Garg angry

Long nose tribe make garg tribe garginas have boom boom time with black big club tribe.

t. grugcel

grutt really do

grug SMASH for long nose tribe

gatherer thank grug for smash sand tribe

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leaf tribe good trade friend


grug draw bear
what think?

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grug fear bear tribe and fear yellow giant
grug owe yellow giant many berry but grug no give him any

grug just LOVE slanty tribe cave paintings the most. grug want to visit slanty tribe and find slanty grugina. grug hear they love pale tribe grugs

have bungabunga

you grugs alright, don't go to learning cave tomorrow

what grug do chief?

Big grug in sky! Grug call tribe warriors

grug think wheel bad for all tribes