Who else here /SELFHATING/?

who else here /SELFHATING/?

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I'm a bad person and that's a bad thing

i want bf

Same but he needs to be shorter than me

I wish I was black

I'm a failure and don't have the motivation to put my life back together


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Whats your height?

post feet

me, I'm ugly as hell

>tfw I genuinely hate myself and almost everything i've done
I would anhero but i'm too much of a coward.

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>look up Lithuania's suicide statistics
what's wrong bro


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I'm a manlet, shortedt between my friends so no woman take me seriously

Me too :/

a lot of things

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get shorter friends, then you'll be the tallest haha

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Self-hatred of Americans is always justified

I'm an adult now and got over that kind of thing.

Says the merkelian shitskin

I just want to put my head on some train tracks but my mom still has hope in me and I don't want to break her

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my relatives are the only ones keeping me from ODing on helium aswell. Sometimes i secretly hope they died in an accident so i could end it all without making them upset

why? I’ve got acne scars and hang out in communities that make fun of people for stupid shit like that, so I feel like a fucking ugly ass mf because of it
2 rounds of accutane and some laser/microneedling treatments(3 laser/4 microneedle) and I’ve still got some scarring
nothing I can really do and it absolutely blows my ass how unconfident I can be because of it. I’m a man about most things but there are some days where it’s all I can focus on.
I stopped using it as a fall back scapegoat for why I wasn’t good with women after seeing some dudes absolutely mauled by acne scarring dating some really beautiful women, but for a long time I truly wasn’t comfortable in my skin

so all I’ve got to say is work with what you got and don’t betray the only body you have. Don’t dwell on dumb shit like I did. It’ll haunt you.

Take care of your mom user

same but he needs to be taller than me

don’t really understand self hate, there hasn’t been a day in my life where I haven’t been happy on average

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no longer

i'm pretty content with life

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even obese and balding
might end it all soon

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my mom just plain gave up, she didnt try much in the first place

Can't even take care of myself, I realize I'm a useless leech and it just makes me hate myself even more, I wish I could leave my house and get a job, talk to people and not sperg out like an autist, and live a normal life

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fug I wish I had brown eyes ree

It was mostly my dad that fucked me up, emotinal abuse at a young age made me suicidal since I can remember myself, my mom always tried her hardest to make me feel better and fix me after they divorced, don't want to tell her that its all useless

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wanna trade?

*hatred of Americans is also always justified

I can assist, if you want to.

>I realize I'm a useless leech
based and red pilled

I hate everything about myself and my life. The only reason why I haven’t killed my self is because I’m too scared to. I tried to a few years ago but the pills just burned a whole in my stock lining

>don’t really understand self hate
be happy you don't

Appreciate the offer, but I know the only person that can help me is myself

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