How rich would South Brazil be if it got rid of the macacos up north?
How rich would South Brazil be if it got rid of the macacos up north?
I don't think removing the US would affect them that much desu
Don´t know
But we would not have favelas here without the migration from the North
I live in Manaus and I can tell you.
North of Brazil is terrible for infrastructure and farming. It is terrible hot.
We literally don't have roads. in some places, we can get 1 month to get in.
Based and redpilled.
good one
>invaded us three times
>stole our corn, cowboys, poinsettias, etc and called them their own
>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us
>stole half of our country
>helped France the first time they tried to invade us
>helped our dictator in charge for over 30 years because he gave them all our resources
>tried to install a new dictator when we fought the one above
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries
>biggest consumers of drugs in the planet, and drugs are cultivated in south america so they NEED to go through mexico
>declare the “war on drugs” because they are puritan retards spreading their cancer around the world, and in the process mostly jail blacks and the mexicans they invited in a disproportionate manner, to the point they became the country with the most prisoners in the world
>make us start a war because they can't either stop consuming drugs nor legalize
>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA
>ask us to deport central americans; and then proceed to blame the central american immigration on us even when we deport more than 90% of them; to then pretend we not only don't deport them but help them reach the US because we are evil; while saying we are hypocrites because we do deport them. At the same time
>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
>made us their slave labor with nafta
>blame us for nafta as if it was a bad thing for them even though they gained over 4.2 million jobs because of it; obtained cheap things, while making our gdp per capita stagnate and destroyed our agriculture with their subsidized corn
>export their shit food culture and sugar infested garbage here
cope and seethe
Idk have you seen those short fat Mexicans? Looks more like a goblinas than any American I saw
Why y'all so poor lmao
Por que mierda ponen siempre esta mapa kuliao???
The true redpill is to make all brazilian states independent. The South is a meme, I want a independent Santa Catarina
>least poor Mexican states
>also the most violent
Why is it like this guys? :(
Surprised Michoacán is not red. The info is not accurate.
Drug money makes people rich
It is dark orange
The world would be a better place if all drug producers and users, feminists, homosexuals and homosexual propagandists, anti natalists, anti hunanists, violent racial hatred extremists, anarchists, communists, anti european identity people, evangelist and multitudes of brainwashed cultists were sent to labor camps till the end of days or until reformation.
>thirdie cope
damn it feels good to be BIG
>that german flag that's always defending the US
Pathetic, Jon. Drop ur proxy.
One day new worlder will understand that you can't have cohesion in a country without equality. One day
Based ×1000
flawless victory
a post to unite all Latin Americans
Mexico's peak in this post
Based chico
For that you need homogeneity too. You will begin to understand the more France descends into multiculturalism
Blessed post.
Nah the french have the right approach. They try to assimilate their minorities, just like they assimilated regional cultures.
Way more
99% of your cunt is some kind of brown, you all look the same, don't pardon your savageness on some bullshit excuse
̶d̶i̶l̶a̶t̶e̶ baste
Stay in denial