I'm sorry I ever bought this piece of shit
I literally had a buy order on ed before it even opened for trading
I was at work so I set a buy order 20% above ico price
I got dumped on hard, held and watched it rebound and surpass $1
Did I sell, nope.
Finally got free around 35 cents and unironically went all in LINK
We'll see a dollar again in less than 6 months. LINK is still, way, WAY out in terms of development, and they don't communicate or maintain any progress updates. Impossible to price out.
It's because of Sergey's lack of communication that causes speculation and pumps on every morsel biz manages to dig up. The frenchy REQ devs updates everyone bi-weekly on stupid daydreaming notes and no actual goals achieved so there's nothing to speculate on, just pure boredom until some whale starts a pump
Linkie cope. Fact is req has a working product in the now, link has memes.
That crash in price is just ridiculous. That was actually a good update. Crypto traders are fucking retards.
On a serious note, the bi weekly update is crap. It will je constantly used for "sell the news".
except the last two updates had +30% pumps
The whole market got a big ass pump.
Nice triple dubs broseph
REQ are shaping up real nice. Too bad that the whale mentality is to suppress prices as long as possible, especially when there is strong fundamental progress. Oh well, it is what it is.
Nobody needs crypto accounting because nobody spends crypto
That's why everybody is going to use it for fiat.
Why does every REQ thread become a LINK thread? So fucking weird and creepy.
>We'll see a dollar again in less than 6 months
Delusional. All we'll ever see again is mozarella
Board is ruined
Beg your pardon Linky, but REQ has actual products, tangible stuff, while you have nothing but a bunch of desperate seat sniffers and NEETs on Jow Forums and memes. Stay STINKY
>Too bad that the whale mentality is to suppress prices as long as possible
No such thing.
It's just stupid ass NEETs and their meme lines.
REQ and LINK are brothers
Triple dubs can't lie