Why are zoomers the boogeyman ruining Jow Forums now?

Why are zoomers the boogeyman ruining Jow Forums now?

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How old are you

probably because they are, who else would enjoy the same repetitious shit originally posted on r9k? not to mention modern nuchan culture hasnt come up with anything original in quite a few years now, all culture is imported from reddit

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none of the millenials have been underage for a few years now

Born in 97


>imported from reddit
*forced from

No, it's not imported from reddit, we just share userbase now.

t. Born 2000 and browse leddit sometimes


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Even the cancer years were better than now.

the old are always scared of the new, because they all know deep down, the new ones are going to replace them

What are you people going to do anyways?

Jow Forums being overexposed on youtube just leads to more shit like this and there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop zoomers from coming


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nobody had to force it though, it just came and naturally the zoomers just ate it up because every new generation is even shittier than the last
>browses both sites, takes in reddit culture with him when he goes to Jow Forums
>hurrr its not importing culture
as much as newfags/cancer ruined this site in 2012, at least they had more creativity than the redditors who post epic remakes of two tired old memes from r9k

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my 90s brother :)

Born in 91, being posting in Jow Forums since 2006 and had seen it turn to shit before my very eyes, gradually. Not necessarily the zoomers, but the general public which was introduced to the internet in 00s with their censorious attitudes is what turned it to sorry state it is now.

the only thing from the left side that came from here is rageface

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most will go to different websites, they are obscure but it is honestly better than staying in this website that not even the owners or admins who run it care about anymore
Jow Forums has always been frequented by younger adults though, it was bound to happen when we have such a shitty and boring youth that the website was going to turn into something like this

imageboard culture is dead

How do you even find the good ones that aren't dead?

Reminder that wojak originated on the the german Jow Forums board back in like 2010.

Forum/website posting is dead. Now it's all Facekike groups or Discord channels
You get in with the right people