Has your country ever committed a genocide? I don't think we have

Has your country ever committed a genocide? I don't think we have.

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What is "genocide"?

the last one in the image is literally us
but also no
based but your going to prison pilled
whatever it is they probably caused it to them selves

No. Commiting a genocide is bad for healthy societies.

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not really

No, I don't think so.

No genocide. Only pestcontrol.

No. We are the only good people in the world


Innacurate picture, literally none of those are genocides OP.

We can't we are the good guys of history

Also not a genocide.

Armenian genocide happened. APOLOGIZE.

The Holocaust didn't happen but if it did you Finns share the blame.

Holodomor never happened. Typical us lies.

Nah our specialty was re-locating not eliminating.

Siege of Leningrad?

>Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
Looks like my country has never committed a genocide then

>not being proud of their power
I didn't know russians were such wieners
you are probably right anyways, russians are not even powerful enough or intelligent enough to pull off such a stunt.
every one knows they are too dimwitted to plan and genocide and too much pussies to commit it.
lol stupid weak russians
now excuse me I have to celebrate kill an indian day.

>Also not a genocide.
>Litteraly all the civilians they could find to purge their race, based on their belief in monarchy
>Not a genocide

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And? Stop lying you faggot.

litteraly killed*

how about you relocate my dick into your ass?
french too gay to commit genocide

When a nigger assrapes you can thanks us from re-locating his dick all the way from africa to your mutt ass

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where am I lying? clearly russia is a puny weak guy place, no strong leaders ever to commit genocide.
and clearly you agree.
russia is a bitch boy cunt full of weak men and slags.

>a genocide is when people die


Slaughtering a population, men women and children mostly civilians, with the intention of erasing all of them from their land, and only because of their belief. Yes, that's a genocide.

Yeah no, French republicans killing French royalists is not a genocide.

I’m Australian.... we kind of did.
We managed to wipe the entire island of Tasmania free of Aboriginals. Mostly via disease but many were just transported off mainland Tassy. It’s recognised by UN conventions as genocide.

I will blame the British though as we weren’t self governing at the time.

It's pointless to argue with you.

Its happening in West Papua right now. Also there are the mass killings of 1965. Don't know if you would count that tho
Maji Maji
Killed half of Brazils indigenous population
Kulaks, Poles, Volga Germans, Finns, Siberians.

Seems like finland and turkey are the only nations with a clean slate my uralic brother

Yeah we did. Tasmania counts.

I dont think you know what genocide means

So in other words you realise that you have no facts to stand on. Wise decision to walk away my friend.

These are facts you stupid fuck, a law was voted to eradicate the vendéens, the leaders of revolutionary France gave orders to do so, the soldiers wrote letters explaining how they did so, the civilians who were slaughtered wrote letters telling how they witnessed it, what else do you even need ?

Yes, and after this awful genocide the people of the Vendee ceased to exist... They reason they were killed was entirely because they were from the Vendee region. Literally no other reason.

Yes, but we managed to shift entire blame on Germany

>N-no, genocide is bad! Drop that gun or I'll write in geneva!

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we mysteriously stayed as separate genetic material with it's own language and traditions after 600 years of Swedish, Russian and German ethnic dirtying.
so you betcha we silently killed or isolated all the minorities into gradually shrinking bubbles.

Yes! Twice and we're damned proud, fuck ch*ms and fuck roaches

We are the victims of Norman genocide.

Was it also a genocide when royalist Vendeans killed republican Vendeans?


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it was not genoside. it was Pesticide

Finally someone preaching the truth

We genocided Finns.
We genocided Scanians.
We genocided Estonians.
We genocided Latvians.
We tried genociding Poles and Germans.

If you ask me, we deserve everything that is happening to us.

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>Its happening in West Papua right now. Also there are the mass killings of 1965. Don't know if you would count that tho
None of those is genocide

Poles and Germans? Sure. You never genocided Finns or Estonians, Svennyboi. You did fuck up defending Finland so badly that Russians killed a lot of us, but that hardly counts.

You fucking dense faggot


No I don't think so. We tried to extinguishing gypsies by sterilzing them. But we didn't kill them so I don't think it counts

>According to Soviet claims, the Finnish advance was stopped in September through resistance by the Karelian Fortified Region; however, Finnish troops had already earlier in August 1941 received orders to halt the advance after reaching their goals, some of which lay beyond the pre-Winter War border. After reaching their respective goals, the Finns halted their advance and started moving troops to East Karelia
>For the next three years, the Finns did little to contribute to the battle for Leningrad, maintaining their lines.
>Their headquarters rejected German pleas for aerial attacks against Leningrad and did not advance farther south from the Svir River in occupied East Karelia (160 kilometres northeast of Leningrad), which they had reached on 7 September.

Canada, yes.


Yes, Congo

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Finland intentionally didn’t participate in it, but we should’ve.


Armenia does not exist, nor armenians. Western propaganda.
A honest man.
>If you ask me, we deserve everything that is happening to us.
No, you deserve more.

Other than being super involved in both British and Spanish colonialism and having shared responsibility for anything they committed and making a bunch of other Irish tribes extinct we "regaelicised" a whole bunch of places genocides of Normans and English happened a lot before being conquered as Normans had large swathes of Ireland to being forced to little periphery towns. We genocided the Norse and descendents of Vikings and gallowglass. There were also unique peoples and languages made extinct like the yola and fingallian language speakers descended from various continental Europe were all killed.

You would be wrong then.

We're probably the most recent case of a first world country committing genocide. The entire world completely ignored the fact that we had native American concentration camps up until 1996. Not even Canadians know this very well cause in schools they usually leave it to the end of the curriculum and classes conveniently end before they teach it.

The Vergonha never happened, they all happily started speaking French on their own accords when they realised how backwards their customs were.

Guanches deserved it
Arawaks deserved it
Muslims, Protestants and Jews aren't people

No we are not violent

just a lil whoops here and there

We, The Han, the people of the Middle Kingdom, the Citizens of All Under Heaven, folk of the Central State, Successors of Huaxia, Sons and daughters of dragons, Leaders of the Sinosphere, Forebearers of all Oriental civilizations, Comrades of the Revolution for Then, Now, and The Future, the ones who eat all beings who have their backs facing towards the sky, The prosperous men of Tang, Children of the Yellow River, Descendants of Yan and Huang, 華人,漢人,唐人,秦人, 中國人... have never, EVER, committed any form of GENOCIDE (or any comparable act for that matter...) towards ANY other race of people. We are the most CIVILIZED and MERCIFUL beings on this planet. When the JAPANESE, came with their bayonets, guns, and tanks... torturing, raping KILLING all of our fellow country men from the steppes of Manchuria to the streets of Nanjing, unleashing acts of horror few could even comprehend, did we show them this same brutality when we got the chance? No. After WW2, thousands of Japanese colonizers were left in the mainland, mostly women and children, given up by their own country, COMPLETELY defenseless, did we commit the same horrid acts to them as the Japanese did to us? No. We forgave tompletelyhem. Gave them homes, gave them a loving family, gave them a new life, Hope and much more. Chinese people are ANGELS on earth. You might bring up things like "DEcISive tAnG ViCTory" but think about it... who actually died in those horrors? Other Chinese people. Though we are angels, we are still mortal men, full of the same cruelty as all of the other races. To get around this We LITERALLY focus all the hate and bloodlust on to ourselves, so that we will NEVER do the same to ANY one else. Be thankful, people of Tianxia, we the Chinese, are a beacon of light in this sea of darkness, and wish all of you a prosperous peace, free of genocide, suffering and war.

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Ethnic cleansing definitely. Genocide possibly. Some of the removals of Amerindians had very high death rates, and some villages were literally butchered.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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holy BASED

Hi Princess Mary.


Attached: a-so-salty-is-a-very-very-ayy-so-salt-2967399.png (500x468, 132K)

Holodomor never happened.

Nah not yet, but will we genocide white pig and korean.

what the fuck is a "Thad"?


We are the good guys

I was gonna say no but then I remembered those poor picts man, sowwy :-(

Witness this fellow other-kin. The Filipino. A fool, born from foolish parents, born in a foolish way in a foolish country with a foolish history. The fact you'd still think posting this dead meme, still thinking it would work truly shows your lack of intellectual capabilities. Anyway, despite the relative smoothness of your brain, I shall reply to this "bait" and educate you in the hopes you would understand the BENEVOLENCE that is the Chinese people. First and foremost, yes all the mentioned things of your copypasta do in fact either exist or happened. Secondly all of these happened to Chinese people. Thirdly, which I know you would ask about, are those Uyghurs Tibetans and the like, aren't they not Chinese people? No. If you thought that was the case, you lack an understanding of the term Chinese. Chinese is a civic identity for those who under the state who controls the Mandate of Heaven. Long time ago, China was a chaotic place, many nations competing for power, having a sort of similar but still very different languages and culture. Despite the differences, they viewed themselves as the same people. "Chinese" is an umbrella culture. It's the culture of many, yet united as one. For western comparisons, the term Chinese is comparable to "Roman" or "American" in the way the people are of different cultures yet still part of the same tent culture. Thus those Tibetans and Uyghurs, misunderstood by many foreign observers, are not Han but a 100% Chinese. Ask the past chairman of Xinjiang, Nur Bekri, an Ugyhur man, who understands that Uyghur identity is literally a Soviet construct, and works toward reinforcing unity in spite of the brutal consequences about his "Chineseness". He's defintely 100% "Chink" as it is hip to say in this place. So even though some of those acts maybe considerd oppressive, they are done to 100% Chinese people, and thus showcases the said Christ like "Suffer for our sins" gesture we Chinese people do to our selves for your sake.

Attached: Liu_Bei_01.jpg (636x900, 78K)

>he actually likes Liu Bei

Attached: Cao Cao calls you a pussy.gif (360x200, 2.9M)

What's genocide?
BTW holocauster victims don't even get like half the money since it's not sent directly but to the government who uses it to fund shit

A Cao Wei general and veteran of the Jingzhou campaign was teaching a class on Cao Cao, statesman and posthumous first emperor of Wei.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Cao Cao, acknowledging that he was the greatest general that China has ever known, even greater than Zhuge Liang!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic soldier of Shu who had served in all of the expeditions from the Qishan Hills and understood the godlike abilities of Zhuge Liang and fully supported Emperor Liu Shan as the Han Emperor stood up, showing a map of Wu.

"How does one defeat Wu and reunite China?"

The arrogant general smirked like a foreign pigdog and smugly replied: "You invade with a large army in concert with a large fleet, you stupid Han supporter."

"Wrong. If that was true, Cao Cao wouldn't have been defeated by Zhuge Liang in the Battle of Red Cliffs and let live only by the mercy of Guan Yu."

The general was visibly shaken and dropped his ink brush and copy of Cao Cao's plagiarized book of strategy. He stormed out of the room crying those Cao crocodile tears. The same tears cry for the Wei Emperor (who today lives in luxury while Sima Yi controls the empire) when they blame the loss of Red Cliffs on bad timing. There is no doubt at this point our general, Cao Ren, wished that he had pulled himself out of his bootstraps and defeated Liu Bei at Xiangyang before Red Cliffs. He wished so much that he had a sword to slit his own throat from embarrassment, but it had been confiscated by the Simas!

The students all applauded and decided to move to Chengdu and accepted Liu Shan as their emperor. A young phoenix named Pang Tong flew into the room and perched atop the banner of Liu Bei and shed a tear on the Art of War. Zhuge Liang himself showed up and revealed the necessity of fire use in battle before revealing the rest of the school was ablaze.

No but we should have.

Why is Dutuerte such a shill for China when most Flips like Americans and don't like Chinese?


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We should have kill whole finland


>t. Jew who genocided hundreds of millions

yes. indians


Yes you should've.
When the day of the Khanate comes, we and based turk, burjat and churka bros will put you hanging.

This is funny thread my niggas.

Native Americans? Ever heard of them, ameritard?

>The Alpha Omega of genocide has appeared.

All banter aside: slavs did most of the killings during the Holocaust, so the world should be thankful that we genocided so many evil slavs during world war 2

We genocided 7 million Germans and 1/3 of all Poles

Then we ge genocided Roman Italy in the Gothic Invasion

Thank Us for removing filth

We killed more

They say 6 million died in Holodomor

Slavs are worse at killing

Oh that is just terrible to hear. I guess we just have to pay doubel the ammount then. Would you like another submarine on top of it? It comes with free Germany hookers. Beware though: they are not actually German and bring "gifts".

Genghis Khan was a White man We Should have not only killed 50% of all Germans but all of them

And genocided you

This but unironically.

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