Man lose job in IKEA after gay bashing comment

Swedish furniture shop IKEA has fired an catholic employee of IKEA because he had written ON HIS OWN PERSONAL Facebook wall comments about Pride parties and gays in general.

It wasnt even his job account but his friend list included an Swedish IKEA manager who got enraged.

Poland, the defender of all things catholic, heard about this and is threatening to boycott IKEA company unless they hire the fired man again.

The IKEA employee kept his personal beliefs striclty personal during work hours. He should be allowed to say whatever he wants on his free time.

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Cool, homophobes deserve no place in society

>Gay bashing tweet
>not actual gay bashing

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Writing something on Facebook is equivalent to saying it in the public place; if you write retarded things on your tweeter you can get fired how is that new ?

>but it's just his opinion
The article clearly says that he linked quote about blood and that gays should meet this faith. He was clearly threatening.

You should lose your job and thus possibly your life you don't agree with the status quo? Sounds pretty fascistic to me. This obviously applies only to wypipo, muslims can preach hate freely.

Some people seem to think internet is separate from IRL still.

hate speech is not free speech, now cry me a river

>muh muslims

ban islam too

Good. Fuck homophobes and catholics.

How can you ban islam, i ban your thoughts, negro.

Good, religious freaks need to be cast out of society.

it's pretty simple, if you don't tolerate don't expect to get tolerated

>ban islam
That's hate speech. To the gallows you go, kafir.

>all homos are created equal

Knowing Poland the story is probably twisted 100 times over and in reality he was screaming on top of his lungs in the kids play section of the warehouse.

Free market lol

>my white ass is on fire
gays aren't the reason you can't get a gf, freak. get over it.

Don't tolerate what and how do you ban it.

>sell gay furniture for apartment bum hipsters for a living
>talk about gays in public media
when will people learn to be careful around disabled customers?

Shut the fuck up, fascist incel

Have sex

we live in a capitalist society, individualism is the basis of our civilization and therefore your moral can't reach further than your own individual, if it does f.ex "i won't tolerate you two kissing" then fuck off to china

You too, incel, you too

i have to play mega satans advocate right now.
i think it is gay to get that offended. but if you have so much autism that you cant read a room or in this case adding your co workers on facebook then maybe a service job isn't for you.

to the people who think i talk shit i welcome you to call me a cuck or nigger lover instead of leaving a legit response

fuck you all

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You are probably talking about spain, individualism is definitely not the base of civilization in russia
>won't tolerate you two kissing
I agree, but how do you ban it. And it's not just muslims, christians don't like gays, conservatives don't like gays, etc.

>fuck lgbtqa people
>what dont fire me NOOO

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we just legalized everything and nothing happened, i guess we're just superior then, because catholics or conservatives didn't do a civil war over it

went from 50% pro gay population to 90% pro gay population just by legalizing everything gay related and punishing homophobe freaks by law

Cool, i'm with you tho i'm muslim ethnically.

ethnics are aside beliefs, that's okay. most people just repeat what they've grown with, others evolve

It's just common to hate gays here. Like people just hate em. I know a lots of girls from work, uni and even girls that are hipster libertarian shit, but most of them hate gays and can't explain that besides it being unnatural even tho they are not religious. It's funny how russians hate muslims and caucasians (even tho we live with each other in my cunt, but they secretely hate muslims) but they all have similar mindset that is not very civilized. We literally got some gay got killed recentyl yet i see some dykes walk arounda ll the time.

>individualism is the basis of our civilization
>doesn't allow individuals to have thoughts that differ from the mainstream

Free speech doesnt mean there wont be societal consequences for saying something your employer doesnt like dumbass. It just means you wont go to jail for it

>down with capitalism! #smashthecistem #workersoftheworldunite #voteleft #socialism

when will it be commonly accepted that corporate virtue signaling is just a tool to oppress wagies?

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>wanting me to decide about other's individual life and threaten their life (i.o.w terrorism apology) is "not being mainstream"
nah fuck off

truly the last bastion of catholicism

>having fb
Serves him right

so a country where all food producers have formed a pact to not sell to blacklisted people has free speech even though you can literally be starved?
>that's an extreme example
yes, they don't go to such lengths, because wiggle room is advantageous in preventing people from realizing how controlled and unfree they are(and thus breaking free). All you need is to make an option sufficiently painful and enough people will stop doing it that the outliers are irrelevant. Free speech is a culture, not just a law.

Don't expect an american to understand any of that, it would make him come to the realization that he lives in a country which has some of the lowest levels of freedom in the west

Have you ever noticed how amerifats get really upset when they're wrong? Why can't they just admit to being wrong?

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>shhh don't say the truth or you might get fired
You're a faggot and you'll more than likely be dicked by a pack of wild niggers or be the victim of a grenade attack.

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>mfw they will backpedal
Based Poland, you are still for a half one of the worst at stealing EU funds.

>t. cocksucker

Hopefully the men gets hired back, he was exercising his freedom of speech and liberty to express his opinions on homosexuals. Although IKEA being a Swedish company, is obviously extremely protective of its public image and being most likely took action to prevent media outcry that could lose them millions in stock. Tenéis que ser tremendo soplapollas para aliarse al lado los izquierdistas. Vota por Vox.


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>The employee actually used quotes from the Old Testament about death and blood in the context of what fate should meet homosexuals
Everyone is getting sick of them being shitcunts and playing the victim after. Why are Christians so insane?

Well it was invented by the romans.

That's just another christcuck with victim complex. He want to kill all the gays and now he obviously has no idea how SWEDISH company could fire him for this.

In Europe there is no freedom of speech like in the US


It's pretty much Dutch at this point

you are totally cucked nigger loving faggot, you let your country knowingly and willingly go down the drain within 2 or 3 generations by repopulating it with the scum of the arabic and african world and your ancestors are ashamed of you, as will be your descendants
>implying a faggot like you will have descendants and not let his genetic line end with him

>punishing homophobe freaks by law
I'm gay myself, but this is extremely stupid. We can't ban everything that offends you.


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mmm cock...

>we just legalized everything and nothing happened, i guess we're just superior then, because catholics or conservatives didn't do a civil war over it
>catholics or conservatives didn't do a civil war over it
>catholics or conservatives didn't do a civil war over it
