Other urls found in this thread:
despise yanks so much
every time
wtf i am 22
and have been working for one year
i live in a nice flat in kensington
yet i have no fucking money at the end of the month
what the fuck is wrong with this country i'm leaving
wel at least the father's there
Dave still riding the high from his Glasto set
Dave penning an angry letter to Theresa May demanding that his unicorn have blue spots instead of pink ones
The uk catch 22:
To have a good quality of life you need good wages.
Good wages exist in london (where all the university education jobs are) but quality of life is bad
Quality of life exists outside of london but wages are bad (mostly call centres and retail)
me? I earn 25k after taxes and I save about 20k of that
why yes, I live in my parents house up north
Whats with the unicorns
more like the "i am 22 and have no idea about this country the opinion"
>Just dont live in London bro
your job search results:
>Scotland (All) - 2
>North East - 1
>North West - 1
>Yorkshire - 2
>Midlands - 3
>South - 12
>London - 352
>Good wages exist in london (where all the university education jobs are) but quality of life is bad
>Quality of life exists outside of london but wages are bad (mostly call centres and retail)
this is what zoomers actually believe
what is she thinking?
have you ever considered that outside of London you also don't need such a high wage for a quality life?
why yes i picked a career that makes little money and is only in london
Why do
Suddenly appear
genuinely want death
now try searching for a job more useful than Junior Social Media Dogsbody, or does your precious uni degree not stretch to anything else?
sounds like you need to refine your search criteria
I believe in the right to die
why yes I expect to be on £40,000 a year in london my first year out of uni with my 2.2 in sociology
brilliant post
mr noseberg won’t like this one bit
same brother
*searches indeed for a job browsing Facebook that pays £40,000*
wtf they're all in london
40k a year in london still spells flatshares lad.
60 is really the minimum
why yes I must live in chelsea I absolutely refuse to live anywhere else even though i'm only on 40k
Mad how centralised we are as a country
Anytime a client of mine has a head office in Birmingham or Manchester I start creasing you can just tell a mile off how small time they are
I am going to spearhead the second midlands enlightenment
*adds customer support advisor to search*
A finally some jobs outside of london
not sure why every big business likes to congregate in london
surely it'd be cheaper to be based in doncaster than london?
mad how brit is populated by real go-getters at 11 on Monday morning. really putting in that hard work I see.
then you spend half an hour in the armpit of your fellow Londoners to curl up in the fetal position back in your hovel while he goes home and makes dinner with his wife
It's just survival bias innit
I work in the head office of a national company in Birmingham
most national businesses aren't in central london. it's just stuff that congregates in certain areas where you have all your art dealers, or film studios or banks next to each other. your normal retail store headquarters or insurance place will have offices out of the centre if not out of london altogether
>here's a job paying £30k in a place where you can live comfortably on £30k
no thanks, I can get £40k in London
>oh ok, so can you live in London on £40k?
god no, it's horrific
>so you're willing to put up with that?
nah actually I piss and moan about it on /brit/ 7 days a week
>most national businesses aren't in central london.
greater london/the south east in general
you know what I mean
zoomers will never know....
brum is also a big centre for the legal profession. still nothing compared to London though.
oh my gosh he's an actual nonce someone needs to do something
>what do you mean you can only work in london? Look at all these non-london based jobs
>shelf-stack coordinator
>customer support advisor
>care home hygeine assistant
>door to door charity marketer
>you definitely live a cosy life with one of them!
>on 20k a year in london
london is so expensive I want to leave unless i can get 40k
>on 40k a year in london
london is so expensive I want to leave unless i can get 60k
>on 60k a year in london
london is so expensive I want to leave unless I can get 100k
>on 100k a year in london
london is so expensive i want to leave unless I can get ...
some people just don't have a clue
Customer technician
Imagine if London just sank beneath the waves. No fuss, no mess. It just disappeared into the briny depths like a New Atlantis, its people never to be heard from again - spoken of henceforth only in myth and legend. Imagine all of the problems it would solve.
I (me) earned every penny and I (myself, me alone) put myself here by working hard, and boomers? (they/them) put themselves where they were through hard work buying a house at 22 off a part time milkman's wages, and the boomer parents?(they/xim/xem) put themselves where they died in the sand through their own hard work, and their parents? (xim/zam/zoom) put themselves where they did through their own hard work dying in the trenches and they all just got on with it
the arrogant student speaks
you've ruined the thread. see you in the next one
LOL there is a big difference lad. no one is going to argue that the north is underdeveloped in comparrison but it's also a lot cheaper. your 40k in the south is like your 20k up north
London is cheaper to live in than brighton and im living here on 6 grand a year iah (6000)
>>here's a job paying £30k in a place where you can live comfortably on £30k
Implying these exist. There are simply more opportunities in london. Out of london opportunities are much rarer.
if you can't use a search engine then maybe you're not cut out for a more complex job anyway
not sure i would call this living
also less people competing for jobs outside of london, almost like there's this weird thing called supply and demand innit
apparently only 4% of people who go cold turkey off cigarettes are still off them 1 year later
I will show these weak willed pussies, 3 hours and counting
>Implying these exist.
I am on £33k in Peterborough without a degree
you can't just ignore things that disprove your "argument"
list of people that should be deported to africa
>less people competing for jobs outside of london
ye 500 people apply for one good job, instead of 1000 people in London.
>lara rhodes
monthly wage is 600, dont pay any taxes etc as earning under 10k
Get £250 a month housing bennies
rent is £500
about £300 to do you a month easy enough desu
didn't realise you wanted to be filmstar
Yes there are a few such opportunities but youre having a giraffe if you think that they match london.
white be ppl be like
You stupid phone
if you're complaining that other people are competing then you must be aware that it's your fault you won't get it
Oh no you wouldn't believe it I just spent 30k and 6 years of my life on education and worked as much as possible shining Stein's shoes after this but silly me I shared a wrongthink meme on Facebook and now I've been fired and put on the ADL watch list, I should have known better
cancel hs2 and build hs3 between Birmingham and Sheffield first instead
so you're living comfortably in London then? you don't want to leave the UK now?
>3 hours and counting
damn that's great user, you showed you had the balls and the will to stop
i say you've earned a ciggie
There are more jobs per applicant in london than outside of london if we're talking about jobs on 30k out of london and 40k within.
Simple as.
to be fair that puts you at slightly over 10k a year
still miserable, what brought you into this path brother?
you are one (1) person and you need one (1) job
why don't more of you people go on graduate schemes if you can't find a decent job normally? Every lad I knew who went on one had a job 3 months later in something at least loosely related to what they wanted. Yeah no shit you're not going to get your dream job and dream salary right after uni but 5 years later you will be closing in on that if you put thework in.
Almost every good job in my field is in London. A few good ones in Bristol and Manchester too. Once I’ve built up some experience I will almost certainly have to move to London to progress.
Going to be a fucking nightmare though only pay £300 a month for my rent currently going to be at least double that in London not to mention how everything else is more expensive too.
I'm from the north which is so grim brighton is unbelievably nice and unlike london no gangs of wogs or pakis and u dont get your phone robbed. just a really nice seaside town
alri /brit/
what's the craic
Ok let me say it another way:
In terms of rareness:
Comfy london
Comfy out of london
Uncomfy in london
Uncomfy out of london
It is easier to find 40k in london than 35k outside london.
gf has been distant last few days
might be getting to that time
the protogf looks a bit like this lads
the things you own
end up owning you
Imagine: a targeted nanoweapon developed to exclusively target the London and turn it into a heaving, seething mass of indistinguishable Grey Goo. Imagine all of your worries and problems just melting away into nothingness as that awful place is devoured by a swarm of hungry nanites.
don't move to london then unless you can get double the salary not rocket science is it
why don't more of you people go on poo schemes if you can't find a decent toilet normally? Every lad I knew who went on one had a poo 3 months later in something at least loosely related to what they wanted. Yeah shit you're not going to get your dream poo and dream wipe right after pooni but 5 years later you will be closing in on that poo if you put the work in.
>graduate schemes
Mostly london based. How many gradschemes do you think are based in wolverhampton? Or warrington?
>40k in london is equivalent to 35k outside london
what did he mean by this
>It is easier
presumably you're only talking about in the career that you chose, so it's still not the UK's fault
came so close to cumming in my not on the pill gf last night pulled out and within a second was firing off
Graduate schemes seem pretty great tbf, know loads of lads who are earning really decent money after completing them.
Sadly they don’t offer them in my field but I was able to secure an internship, pays pretty shit but should look good on my CV
what do you mean you take a fucking train journey tro your nearest one for assessment or whatever and then tell them where you want to work (anywhere you don't want to work). there are jobs all over the uk not just in london lol.
Big fan of Brighton me, even shagged a girl under the pier. Too bad Brighton is getting ridiculously expensive too, not to mention all the homeless from London travelling there.
what is the average salary in london and the rest of the uk average salary?
What does that tell you about the availability of different salaries in and out of london?
it tells me that it's more expensive to live in London and their salaries reflect that