I asked a fat, ugly girl out and even she rejected me

I asked a fat, ugly girl out and even she rejected me.

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You're supposed to rape her, bro.

its cause you're brown. you need to ask out a fat ugly brown girl

Even fat, ugly girls can have standards

But everyone in India is also brown. Are you retarded or what.

they shouldn't they're fat ugly slobs women are put on a pedestal far too often.

oh shit it's that bad?
well op I got an ultimatum for you
go to sweden and you can literally get a license to rape white women if you are brown.

keep trying pajeet
i never asked a girl out, and here i am, 19 yo and still a virgin incel

Maybe she felt unworthy of you. Higher your standards.

Neither should most people in here if they want to get laid, but they still look down on fat, ugly women. It's just how it goes.