How are most women not millionaires?

How are women unironically not millionaires.
>Be late teens Stacy
>lie about being conservative
>start a Youtube channel
>show tits in every video (not enough to get banned)
>have a patreon, earn 20K a month
>save as much as possible, invest in crypto or boomer stocks.
>Be same girl, start an ASMR channel
>basically just whisper over an expensive microphone
>again start a patreon while also collecting ad revenue
>Do "private" shows for gobs of money ($800 dollars for just putting on a bikini and whispering over a microphone)
>start a twitch channel
>play just one game so you get decent at it (switch games every year or so)
>start a patreon if you want, but twitch will take care of that most likely
>marry a rich guy
I honestly believe that all it takes to make it as a female is not being ugly/fat. If so then why haven't most women taken advantage of this?

Attached: Patreon.jpg (209x241, 6K)

>why haven't most women taken advantage of this

That would involve a minimal amount of effort.

That's selling away your integrity and reputation, you can do this to some extent as a man too.

Most women are too emotional and self-important to take advantage of their sexuality for guarantee'd riches. The ones that can get past that are the ones running life on easy mode.

>you can do this to some extent as a man too.

how? please teach me, my morally corrupt soul doesn't care about integrity and reputation, I just don't want to wagekek

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True, I guess I could start a fortnite twitch, or play some shitty indie game, but why would someone watch me over ninja or whoever good at that game?

there are some nice gay clubs u know..

whoa this looks a lot like my ex

Almost every guy I know has started a business.

Zero girls I know have started a business.

anything that doesn't include having gay or bisexual sex?

sell real estate

>as a female if not being ugly/fat
>most women not millionaires

>not being a stripper/escort and pulling in 1-2k a night
Welp, at least we don't bleed from our orifices

You could hurt yourself on stream for crypto donations from dark net lurkers. You could suck dick. You could start a clickbait, hyper attention attracting YouTube channel where you scam kids (Paul's style), basically sell out as a puppet to twitch or youtube, scam in general, etc..


once again
i have to explain to you faggots the laws of SUPPLY and demand.
how many girls in the world in total think whore themselves out like this? 10 k? 20 k? thats still way less than the average number of females on ONE COLLEGE CAMPUS.
You think if 500 million women in the world all did this, the price would not lower and be dirt cheap you incel retards?

its all first mover advantage. how are you betas this retarded

>not being ugly/fat

This. You have to be pretty hot to successfully do that shit because you have a shit ton of competition.

>lack of ambition
there are many reasons, user.

This, it's easy as fuck to trade your dignity for money, what's not easy is getting back that dignity. The feeling of shame will follow you to your grave.

It's not a good feeling, wanting to kill yourself every day.

because most women tend on the average-ugly-as-fuck side and would never qualify for neetgodess position

>all you have to do is exist to get money
>you have to mutilate yourself to get money
Mmmmm really makes me question stuff

It makes sense tho in the grand scheme. Men have always been the hated gender whos lifes are worthless especially on the battlefield. Female privilige is a real thing

>implying anyone here has real money to invest and not just some rapidly depreciating meme tokens
Shoo shoo

The woman in your image unironically bought eth at $8

I know a guy that lifts a lot. He's huge, but natty. He told me some of the guys he works out with of course roid. They get big money offers from gays for sex constantly. Some take advantage of it to keep buying their steroids and supplies for lifting and lifestyle.

Believe it or not most women are not competent or competitive enough to do any of those things.