Post architecture from your country.
Post architecture from your country
Jacob Collins
Daniel Brooks
Camden Jenkins
Started in 1882, still being built today
Robert Ortiz
Aaron Lopez
Benjamin Flores
Isaac Thomas
Henry Ross
Parker Watson
Tallest building in Scandinavia
Dominic Hall
Sebastian Jackson
Soup tent. c:a 2018
Ryder Young
recently they built a tower with a similar structure next to my town
it's used for testing elevators
Jackson Morgan
Leo Watson
Dylan Sanchez
Robert Kelly
a fucking drill
Eli Young
David Wilson
I think it looks cool
Benjamin Ramirez
public sauna in helsinki
Leo Kelly
Zagreb airport
Bentley Gutierrez
Lucas Thomas
Ice hockey arena?
Caleb Ward
Nicholas Hernandez
William Collins
Amongst other things, it's a multievent center. Ugly af, looks like a giant tempo car shelter.
Nicholas Murphy
>fancy library in finland's redneck capital
Jaxson Sanders
This is my towns hockey arena
Cooper Roberts
Angel Powell
why is it taking them so long
Wyatt Myers
Poljud stadium in Split
Arena Zagreb is multi-purpose, too.