Post architecture from your country

Post architecture from your country.

Attached: 6167119091_85ae533856_b.jpg (1024x768, 138K)

Attached: Teatro São Paulo.jpg (3000x1801, 658K)

Started in 1882, still being built today

Attached: botiga-del-bar-a-sagrada-familia-3-con-de-la-fam-lia-barcelona-spain-y-fixedw-large-4x_10.jpg (900x1200, 264K)

Attached: la-bibliotheque-robarts-a-luniversite-de-toronto-toronto-canada-eecg85.jpg (1300x1065, 259K)

Attached: D246_23_583_1200.jpg (1200x924, 185K)

Attached: 570.jpg (1280x712, 211K)

Attached: 2cs785l.jpg (717x538, 53K)

Attached: kajfesov_brijeg1-110119.jpg (1080x459, 119K)

Tallest building in Scandinavia

Attached: IMG_4205.jpg (732x1280, 720K)

Attached: kajfesov_brijeg1-291018.jpg (980x654, 155K)

Soup tent. c:a 2018

Attached: 1559824747511.jpg (900x675, 83K)

recently they built a tower with a similar structure next to my town
it's used for testing elevators

Attached: Armin_Scharf-46bff1375d6a7356.jpg (1200x1798, 670K)


Attached: iu[1].jpg (1900x1081, 348K)

Attached: kajfesov_brijeg4-291018.jpg (980x654, 97K)

Attached: serveimage (17).jpg (1920x1080, 482K)

a fucking drill

Attached: 5ada1b27-b252-4494-8cd4-d8623fef753f_JDX-2x1_WEB.jpg (1200x495, 150K)

I think it looks cool

Attached: 1280px-München_-_Allianz-Arena_(Luftbild).jpg (1280x789, 354K)

public sauna in helsinki

Attached: Ilmakuva_3[1].jpg (1920x1296, 568K)

Zagreb airport

Attached: zračna-luka-Franjo-Tuđman.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Attached: edificio copan.jpg (2160x3840, 1020K)

Ice hockey arena?

Attached: f851ce45.jpg (1680x840, 223K)

Attached: church-immaculate-conception-kamnik.jpg (1800x1271, 293K)

Attached: kutvolgyi.jpg (801x427, 157K)

Amongst other things, it's a multievent center. Ugly af, looks like a giant tempo car shelter.

>fancy library in finland's redneck capital

This is my towns hockey arena

Attached: Tampere_ice_stadium1.jpg (2304x1728, 725K)


why is it taking them so long

Poljud stadium in Split

Arena Zagreb is multi-purpose, too.

Attached: split-8.jpg (2724x1733, 703K)