Stop the Growing Trend of Germanophobia on Jow Forums NOW

You think that you smug little shits can come on here at all hours of every day spewing out your Anti-German sentiment? Well let me tell you - you are all in for a big fucking shock in the coming years.

Much like Anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia - soon we will add Germanophobia to this list and you will all cease your foolish prattle and hate speech of our truly blessed people.
We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the Poland twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.

Your irrational hatred of us is going to stop very soon. Calling us Germs or Eternal Krauts will be met with very lengthy prison sentences and likely your being ostracised from your communities. Germans are a beautiful and unique people. You owe them a great deal and by the end of this decade you will fear the consequences of your vile words and hate speech.

End Germanophobia now.

Attached: us germany rep.jpg (750x1180, 410K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Germans are actually capable of being this autistic tho, it s not even funny

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Germanophobia has always existed in the US
it's pretty engrained into our culture, only brainlets attribute it 100% to the World Wars

Why do they hate us so?

unless you get your illegal immigrants deported and stop being cucks to the muslims, we may cease our germany-mocking foolery. otherwise piss off

>being cucks to the muslims

lmao source?

kinda ironic when you think that most of the ancestry of the USA goes back to germany in familial origins

Attached: GermanyStrong.jpg (720x960, 133K)

Did you know Mercedes is by far the most popular car brand in Albania? It’s because we alboniggers want to be like you.