Make a map of your own showing what you consider are the world's different races,
Also, pls no bully. Just thought it would be interesting to see how people around the world see race.
Make a map of your own showing what you consider are the world's different races,
Also, pls no bully. Just thought it would be interesting to see how people around the world see race.
Other urls found in this thread:
One race
The HUMAN race
Science isn't really based on personnal feeling.
And you map is objectively retarded considering modern scientific data
Iranian and turk different race north africa different race
simple as
Why did you upload it again? Sicily?
Why are Turkey and Armenia included?
Western Euro
Eastern Euro
Southern Euro
It makes 6 different races.
Italians are Negroid
>what you consider are the world's different races
I don't
First african migration(Australian natives, Ainu, South indians)
Second migration (everyone rest except africa)
Don't know/care
Pretty sure there was only one migration. Indigenous Australians were just the first to split off from that group
That's racism you fuckin spic.
Race isn't really based on science just
he look different
he different race
Here you go all races in world in total 13 races
1: north african race
2: east african race
3: south african race
4: central and west african
5: south east asian
6: central asian
7: east asian
8: Australians
9: european
10: caucasus/zagros race
11: arabid race
12: south asians
13: mestizo/anerindian race
>arab world
>argentina and uruguay
>And you map is objectively retarded considering modern scientific data
Why? Make your own map btw
Guyanas are everything you want but not spics user.
Indians aren't a race. India also have more "Asians" than Korea and Myanmar and other countries in Asia; ethnicities that can only be found in India. So even though Indians aren't a race, you're either saying 60-70 million "Asians" are Indian or that Indians are Asian too. Make your mind up. That's not even counting the other ethnic groups that live in India.
Pakistan has very little arab influence. Same with Afghanistan. Definitely the case with Iran. Just because they follow Islam doesn't mean they are the same Your map takes note of minute details such as Nepal and West Papua New Guinea (no idea why they are orange) but then refuse to do so with countries like India, Pakistan, China, Central Asia and Russia among other countries.
Nowadays, people should consider Fijians and other pacific islander groups to be "more" "Asian", because genetically, that's what they are, but because of their looks, they will often be confused with black people.
That's the problem with race, it becomes more of "you look this way so you are this" which is retarded.
my version but I still think it's off. the concept of race is stupid anyways
small, but necessary corrections
But unironically.
I made this one my self, pls rate
Somalians are charcoal black user.
seems pretty accurate
You're assuming way A LOT of stuff from my map desu. I don't know where to start
1. First off I know that you're that Indian in Mexico that always gets very frustrated that people don't know about India's racial diversity but guess what I'm not one of those people. I'm very aware that Northeast India, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have people who are Asian and don't look like the "typical" India. I'm not not aware of them BUT doesn't have a world map with national sub-divisions. If they did I would have colored such places differently like I did for Nepal (which I remember to do actually because of you so you wouldn't get butthurt at me for coloring Nepal and Bhutan differently). Of course, I could just make all of India striped but then people would be asking why I made the whole country that way because unsurprisingly most people don't know Indian has Asians and on top pf that I didn't want to have the main country in the South Asian grouping being striped, either so I decided against it.
2. Pakistan is striped because half the country, at least geographically, is Iranian. I don't know where you're getting Arab from, In fact, you can see I didn't label any of the groupings so really that's your own fault for assuming green means Arab when it doesn't.
3. West Papua is orange because like I said earlier there's no map with sub-national divisions so either I can have all of Indonesia striped, even though West Papua is one of the least populated regions, or I can have it one color so I chose the latter.
4. Pakistan and Uzbekistan ARE striped so I don't why included those in the last part of your first paragraph.
5. I don't know why you think Fijians and other Pacific Islanders should be considered Asian. They're Melanesian with an Austronesian admixture from mixing with Polynesians (who likewise have mixed with Melanesians making them different from Asians).
Filled that one in by accident, also fixed the ocean so it's not a cum ocean
we balts are also east asian, thank you
Three or so, them being caucasian, negro and asian and their mixes.
Two races; White and non-white.
I know this is just a meme map but why did you color the Hungarians in Romania differently from Hungarians in Hungary itself?
Why ?
Fair enough, mate. The lack of national sub-divisions really does make it hard and I didn't think of that.
What does green mean, then? Does China not have divisions either?
Why Turkey, the Caucasus and Cyprus as white? Why are Afghanistan and Tajikistan Turanic?
Why no Horners?
Why Caucasus and Central Asia as white?
You also left Comoros and Dijibouti as MENA desu
I didn't know what else to put them as. I know a lot of Central Asians and Caucasians in my neighborhood who look white.
>Somalia green but not the rest of the Horn
>Iran, Turkey and countries around blue
>Brazil, Chile blue
People from Bhutan are Asian, I don't where exactly they fit into the East Asian and Southeast Asian dichotomy, though
>inb4 Indian guy in Mexico replies with how so many people in Bhutan are what people consider Indian/South Asian
Okay, but AFAIK those people are relatively recent immigrants or descended from immigrants
>What does green mean, then?
I just call it MENA, and yes, I'm very much aware that MENA doesn't include Afghanistan, Pakistan or any Central Asian countries in the usual definition but since it covers most of the region and those countries can be seen as an extension of it that's what I use.
>Does China not have divisions either?
None of the countries have
>People from Bhutan are Asian, I don't where exactly they fit into the East Asian and Southeast Asian dichotomy, though
They look like Tibetans/Nepalese.
Soon everyone will just choose to be white. What kind of white is unknown yet, but probably nordic
Remove France!
Why not Zoidberg?
>>inb4 Indian guy in Mexico replies with how so many people in Bhutan are what people consider Indian/South Asian
They are considered South Asian because of geography and because they share ethnicities with Nepal and Sikkim. I don't think there are any typical Indian looking Bhutanese people. Very few to be considered as a thing, if any. Most of the nepalis were forced out of the country anyway, lol
The UN uses MENAP in many of its departments instead of MENA, now. Or Eastern Mediterranean.
pic related
Amerindians are definitley their own race since they split from proto mongloids over 20,000 years ago it was a later split than europeans but this still made them unique compounded with the fact that almost half of native dna is central eurasian this is shared with middle easterners , north indians and europeans
Three. No reason to make it more complicated than that.
this map is pretty good, although it has some mistakes
Whats the difference between west asian and middle easter?
The only thing wrong is that there are countries without the star of David.
There are some white looking people in the Caucasus, specially in Georgia for some reason, but most of them look MENA to me desu just lighter on average.
Central Asians on the other hand don't really look white to me at all, I've seen one or two that looked white but they looked weird kind of white. Most of them look kind of Asian-ish but mixed with MENA which they are basically, plus some European/Slavic admixture in Kazakhstan. The ones on Turkmenistan and Tajikistan just look MENA to me desu. Are you sure they're like really from Central Asia? There's lots of ethnic Slavs in Kazakhstan for example, maybe they're just Russians from Kazakhstan who moved there.
Jews are 0,032% of the Finnish population.
What do you mean by Nepalese here?
>Middle East - North Africa - Afghanistan - Pakistan
Interesting. Good acronym. Might start using it.
I don't know why you'd call that grouping Eastern Mediterranean
yeah, the jewish population is overestimated in almost every country on this map. Maybe I'll fix it some day
Where are the gypsies ?
>no jews
They might actually be part Russian, most of them know how to speak it in addition to the native languages there.
>this map is pretty good, although it has some mistakes
True. I wanted to add Jews and Hispanics, too but I didn't want to include recent population movements
I think when people use this divide West Asian basically means Turkey, Caucasus and Iran while Middle East is the Arab countries
No clue, it's official terminology, though. Up to the person if they wanna use it or not. MENAP is more common.
>What do you mean by Nepalese here?
Like a fucking Gurkha ?
Perhaps, you should look at their names, that's a good indicator. Where do you live that you have big Caucasian and Central Asian diasporas?
zoom in, they're where you would expect
Persian race? Stupid map
Oh okay
I just noticed that whoever made that map included them as a race.
Remove italy and France. Or atleast colour the north of Italy blue.
this guy made a very accurate racial map of the world
Meme. Why are Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Martinique and Belize green?
all brown people are basically the same
green is because i initially decided it would be the color for brown people but then i realized brown is more appropriate
You fucking Italian are white. Stop this meme, i've been to the north of italy. I've seen white Italians.
main mestizo/amerindian subraces:
mesoamerican mestizo/amerindian
amazonian mestizo/amerindian
andean mestizo/amerindian
plains mestizo/amerindian
true mestizos and indians are red people
It's actually a think, dude. Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Kurds and Iran all cluster in the same category.
This the most accurate one although i'd colour Turkey as a mixture of Euro.
mixed eace shouldnt be a category, mestizos, pardos, mulattos, castizos are all mixed race but they are very different from each other
I live in eastern New York City
why are central asian turanids who are halfbreeds considered asian?
if you are going to consider turanids asian, mestizos should be considered indios
I like his map, but I don't agree with the classification of some groups desu (like Canarian, Dardic and South Arabian) and I don't understand why he doesn't have a Central Asian or Horner category, specially the latter, because he mentions that he took into account how the groups see themselves and AFAIK people from the Horn have always saw themselves as different from Bantus and Nilotics.
Also, having such detailed map makes me wonder where exactly did he get the info to color in by sub-sub-national divisions.
also inuits should be their own category because they are a more recent migration to the americas
Two races
Italians and barbarians
I'd agree with this mostly although most "Anglos" aren't really anglos and are more in the 30-40% range of Anglo dna.