
I did not want to resort to this, but im afraid I might not have a choice...

Life in my country was never easy, we pay the highest taxes in the world, get the worst public services, experience violence, corruption and injustice during our entire lifes. Yet, I managed to push on believing the country would get better if we never gave up.

But now I might no longer have a choice. A private contractor is constructing an illegal building next to the house my parents lived at for the last 45 years after illegally demolishing the neighbooring house. They are violating several laws and rules in doing so, but the law is being suspiciouslly absent on the matter despite the fact we have made several complaints at the city hall about it.

It has become clear someone on the higher up has been bribed in order to ignore the illegallity of this contractors actions. It has also become clear that this guy is constructing this building using drug traffic money as a form of money laundry. We will continue trying to fight using the legal system, but there is a very real chance that doing so will make me and my family get targetted by the organized crime of my country, possibly resulting in our untimely deaths.

In the event such a thing comes to pass and my parents do get murdered, I might have to flee the country in order to not suffer the same fate. But where the hell can I go?

I have a bachelors degree in biological sciences by one of the top 10 universities of latin america and an english proficiency degree by the university of Michigan. Im willing to do any kind of work no matter how menial as long as I can imigrate to some first world nation in which I will be safe. I would like to take my girlfriend with me if possible but will understand if I need to go alone and work for a few years in order to get citizenship before I can take her with me.

Attached: emigration.jpg (184x273, 9K)

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didn't read lol

Go to Europe or Canada. Anywhere but here.

That is ok, I wouldn't want to go to Peru anyway.

Thanks for bumping the thread though.

Not here plz and thank you

>Go to Europe or Canada. Anywhere but here.
What countries in Europe would take me in, and how would I go about going to Canada?

No one cares
Should've just asked for a good country to immigrate to.

>Should've just asked for a good country to immigrate to.
Ok, what are good countries for me to imigrate to?

>Ok, what are good countries for me to imigrate to?

>I have a bachelors degree in biological sciences by one of the top 10 universities of latin americ
So basically the equivalent of elementary school education in real countries?