The future of the EU are countries like Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Estonia...

The future of the EU are countries like Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Estonia. These countries are already as rich as Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain and they will 2x or 3x soon. How do former-real-EU countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece cope with that?

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Other urls found in this thread:,20.8142615,3a,75y,90.03h,85.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s9VNUEQRRNNHr9OhA8l7grg!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656


i don't give a shit

In Warsaw average salary is $3000/month (100% of population works as programmers for western corporations), so we are already on par with the west.

it's funny, this photo is maybe 2 years old but it feels so obsolete, there are like 4 new skyscrapers (plus the ones u/c are already finished) that would be in the photo now

If only.

noo please, you must say that you care, otherwise our life won't make sense

"I'm going to Spain", "I'm going to Italy" sounds awesome, vibrant, cool.

If you say "I'm going to Poland" people will make a sad face and tell you that it's temporary and you need to be strong.

I care.


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typical ikibey post - always blunt and always true

>"I'm going to Spain", "I'm going to Italy" sounds awesome, vibrant, cool.
no it sounds like something all basic bitches says every second year
>"I'm going to Poland"
yeah you are one tough motherfucker, nobody ain't messing with you


the only thing I care about is that they have 0 sandniggers and are also pretty hostile towards them so no sandnigger wanna go there, so I'm probably moving there.

That's the problem with Eastern Europe - even if it experiences economic growth, almost no change in its image follows it, simply because Eastern Europe doesn't have interesting culture, food and feels too different for a westerner.

I guess max eastern Europe can ever achieve is to induce the feeling like "I'm going to Finland" evokes

Wow, did they? They are really brave I think.

>yeah you are one tough motherfucker, nobody ain't messing with you
Maybe in 90-s. Nowadays even "I'm going to Russia" sounds normal, many of my friends did it.
Tough people visit Africa.


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exporting prostitutes and porn stars isnt sustainable economic model. they will never catch southern europe.

Slovenian GDP (nominal) is almost 2x the Greek now

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And that's why you're losing

our countries are drowning in every single shitskins and criminal from all over the third world and eastern Europe, we've already lost. those countries are the future of the white race.

should have paid denbts

nobody from eastern europe emigrates to greece lmao

I can't wait to leech from them desu

we already know it, our lives depend of serving germans and english pigs in summer

how would have that helped with anything? think like a white man dumb fuck

just google greek jails statistics

it means get your shit together jorgos

oh I'm sorry let me get my references book, fucking retard, whole country is drowning in shit and you want me to take time to look up your catch phrases.

>they have 0 sandniggers
>I'm probably moving there
greeks are always trailblazers

this! Warsaw now

Attached: 31555182727_7a506e8934_k.jpg (2048x1365, 1.26M)

> the future of the white race.

Attached: Greekniggers.png (1313x630, 992K)

>Polish moon colony 2029 AD

there's still a lot of room to improve

pic related is my town with a pop. of 500 people

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you can make any village look good at night

>german reading comprehension

show me the smallest village in your country

>implying Greece was ever a candidate for being the future of the white race.

my home town over Bug river in Eastern Poland, approximately 300 population if you count temporal traveling gypsies

Attached: 1 (1).jpg (852x480, 74K)

this is the smallest town:,20.8142615,3a,75y,90.03h,85.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s9VNUEQRRNNHr9OhA8l7grg!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

she cute

Attached: Przechwytywanie.png (1783x920, 3.48M)


Its cold, the people are asocial and it doesn't look very good either.

helsinki sounds ok for weekend

Even Finns prefer to spend weekends in Tallinn than in Helsinki

English nigger, do you speak it?!

English sandnigger, do you speak it?!

you shut your mouth

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The richer they get the better! They will come to our countries and leave their money every summer. I hope the average Euro becomes a millionaire before 50. I don't see any way this can happen without war, but I still hope it will.

>being proud of cucktowers

that's ugly as fuck bro

>white race

I don't give a fuck if they get richer, the problem is that we get poorer. I wonder why

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Go to school mutt