I don't particularly mind being mogged on a daily basis, but one thing that really brings me down is that when I see fellow manlets in public they're always making a scene, chimping out, etc. It makes me ashamed to share their dwarf genes while the lanklets stare at them in disgust.
The manlet race
How tall are you bud?
this pic is so hot
I think I have "height neurosis" im 187 cm in the morning and 186 at night and i been obsessed with going on reddit r/short and limb lenghtening forum . inwas there just to get an ego trip about being tall but now Im starting to thimk too much about height when ever i go out im constantly comparing my height to other men
when will they learn?
I dont think they will ever learn, i spoke to the peruAno from this pic and asked him if stacking the wrong number of phones was part of his plan to get exposed and he said yes
5'9", shorter than Taylor Swift (even before she puts on her heels)
GOD I wish that was me
I'm bang on 6'0 and built like a rugby player
Women either fucking love me or couldn't be less interested
There is no in-between
I also think my total disinterest in their opinions and take-it-or-leave-it approach to their meagre sexual talents appeals, for some reason. Women are weird
I'm a manlet and my life sucks