Serve your country or remain mediocre, you'll have to choose

Serve your country or remain mediocre, you'll have to choose

Attached: 38-full.png (136x102, 24K)

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Tried to serve, they didn't take me.

Sí, comandante Risitas.

why not?

I suffer from autism(not a joke) and have a Schwerbehindertenausweis because of that. That's was the reason.

>t. cocu en tenue

>Serve your country
do public servants really cope like so?


Attached: 5414314316424.png (408x308, 132K)

We have chosen the latter

hättest du noch Wehrdienst leisten müssen oder wolltest du dich freiwillig melden?
und was machst du jetzt? Behindertenrente? Wie alt bist du?