Serve your country or remain mediocre, you'll have to choose
Serve your country or remain mediocre, you'll have to choose
Joshua Miller
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunter Peterson
Tried to serve, they didn't take me.
Blake Moore
Sí, comandante Risitas.
Noah Hall
why not?
Brody Sanders
I suffer from autism(not a joke) and have a Schwerbehindertenausweis because of that. That's was the reason.
Justin Howard
>t. cocu en tenue
Kevin Kelly
>Serve your country
do public servants really cope like so?
Jack Rivera
Joseph Wood
We have chosen the latter
Gavin Davis
hättest du noch Wehrdienst leisten müssen oder wolltest du dich freiwillig melden?
und was machst du jetzt? Behindertenrente? Wie alt bist du?