He just hired a lawyer to get that crazy cunt Bank's phone because he wanted their text messages and photos they have been sending back and forth. He is trying to buy her phone to keep them secret.

What the fuck is going on, how did Grimes get him this drugged up in like 3 months.

Also, "Funding Secured", "Pedo Guy", and that interview where he cried a few days ago, claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day

full psychotic break from reality

Attached: hes17yearsolder.jpg (800x534, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


forgot link



Just a regular boomer going through mid life crisis, nothing to see. Move on.

He's genX

also he has an important job in teh Jow Forums world ^_^

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>claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day
you do know rich people have every second of the day accounted for. Even when he fucks of its scheduled out. They are not like you and me

You're mentally ill. Seek help.

>You're mentally ill. Seek help.
lol what?

Musk is having a literal nervous breakdown, and is being investigated by the SEC for his tweets and I am mentally ill for stating facts?

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just le'm cool off mate. Just a regular dude trying to launch shit into space and building electric cars. Kinda run into every day issues and every day stress, dude gotta crack a cold one open with the boys head over to Zuckersnerg and smoke some meats in his backyard.

>you do know rich people have every second of the day accounted for. Even when he fucks of its scheduled out. They are not like you and me
So his schedule was like "9:04am -11:09am, tweet about a submarine you are having your engineers build out of a Falcon Heavy (TM) Rocket Tube, and from 11:09-11:16am call anyone who is actually on site and says it won't technically fit... a pedophile"

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>investigating tweets

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sure. Or he could be doing that shit from his phone in meetings

>>investigating tweets


Why is the Stock not getting hammered

According to that CDAN site he will be kicked out from Tesla in a matter of a few months or less

Who's that kid?

He's getting fucked cause he called out the (((media)))

>He's getting fucked cause he called out the (((media)))
seems more like it's his own behavior desu


He's just hangry.

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Elon upset the elites in control of the media, now his life is being hurt for it

Damn how could he even get an erection?

it was a different time

Hm, wonder who's spearheading this

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>musk goes batshit insane and does batshit insane stuff on drugs
damn jews!

Grimes is literally a backstabbing crazy autistic rat dweller.

At least now we know Elon has a big dick.

Musk ruined his life by dating Grimes, can't make this shit up.

verga, jajajajaja "Mr. Noseberg" graphic description

Why does he always go for these types of women?

What a time to be alive!

it's almost like dating retarded drug addled women is not a good idea

>it's almost like dating retarded drug addled women is not a good idea
but she writes songs about being raped, so it's ok

Honestly this is just Banks getting free publicity.

yeah because Musk has been 100% stable lately and having that crazy bitch over to his house then trying to buy and destroy her cell phone is not weird at all

There's no evidence he did that. He didn't even meet her. Grimes just invited her over for some collaboration shit and she got the idea to create a scandal and use his name for free advertising.

What is that thing Mr president
She has to go back

>There's no evidence he did that.

Musk is right to do these things.
Best CEO except maybe Bezos

Imagine defending an insane egomaniac who's had 5 unrelated scandals just this year alone.

He's like Warren Buffet if Warren Buffet were a skank fucking coke snorting 4 time divorced insane megalomaniac who called people who saved children pedophiles

Truly the hero we deserve

You can't molest children if they are dead...
Must was right again

He is totally coming back from a few month long drug trip.

Just the equivalent these days. No one is like old boomers like Warren. Gotta throw their own flair on it.

what's the story behind coke? I know only about his Ambien abuse

>She then went on to ask Business Insider to write about her cosmetics range.
I feel like she is the one going full psycho

>he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week

she has always been a psycho

musk had her over to his house while he and grimes were doing drugs and crying, and today musk's lawyer is trying to get her cell phone destroyed and musk deleted his instagram page

And you are basically relaying words going straight out of the mouth of a pyscho bitch

This. He called out his own kin and is being (((removed)))

Musk admits she was there, he admits he took down his instagram page and there is evidence his lawyer is trying to get Bank's cell phone.

Yeah nothing is going on, banks and musk have never met, banks is just making everything up

If Bill Gates had Charles Manson over to his house and then tried to destroy the records after admitting he was over there... would that NOT be weird because you think charles manson was "crazy" to start with?

the story is that someone on biz said he does coke


They met, but this psycho bitch is doing a psychic episode, she sees things that weren't. that's it. People have been attacking elon for years now, saying he is doing a mental breakdown, his company will fail, blabla it's all the same it's just boring at this point

His biggest mistake was letting his degenerate girlfriend bring a crazy nigger into his home. He's from South Africa, he should know better.

i wonder why people keep saying that about elon, i wonder why they have been saying it more lately? has anything been going on lately that might make people say that?

it's not that they "met" like at an airport, Elon, who has been doing drugs lately, had that crazy bitch over to his house for a weekend and did a bunch of fucked up shit with her and now does not want anyone to know what happened

Elon has always done crazy shit and drugs, read his bio

I've read it pedo guy

sleep deprivation. not even once!

Sleep deprivation doesn't do this. It's all part of a plot that he plays a role in, they are turning Elon Musk into a Spiderman-Villain-like supercriminal. It's all scripted.

>16 posts by this nose
why were you ordered to make this thread? is israel worried gentiles look up to musk?

i wish i was elon musks son

He's got a fetish for mentally unstable, male-abusing, cunts.

See his 2x ex-wife, Amber Heard, this latest creature.

Mebe he needs bizza.

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>why were you ordered to make this thread? is israel worried gentiles look up to musk?

I've read it and don't recall any drug use

He is a CIA nigger implementing reverse engineered tech

meh it wasn't explicit, but it was clear for me when they talked about his weird side and the party he was throwing

yes, he has proved himself to be a freethinker, uncontrollable by the media.
now there is this coordinated attack on his character from all sides. elon is starting to crack, but it's because he has the weight of the political crony-capitalist machine on his shoulders.

It’s like Apple he can be as fucked up as he wants and people will still love the company and aspire to be part of it, jobs was a massive cunt and people love him and his company

Not to turn this into a Jow Forums thread, and you aren't wrong on what you said. But... if Elon really is on sleeping pills and is grinding himself down on 120hr workweeks, then sleep deprivation is surely messing with his reasoning and judgment by a good extent.

If by people you mean thots and tech illiterate boomers, I agree wholeheartedly.
>sent from my iPhone


Um. I would say that would be plausible but Elon is actually tweeting this shit out. No other billionaire CEO's are building meme submarines that are dogshit for publicity, then when someone makes fun of the submarine, he calls them a pedo...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is Elon's own doing. Always thought he was a HYPEJOB. His businesses suck, and basically have a bunch of reddit fanboys buying the stock because it seems like r/ futurology type of escapist reality bullshit.


yeah he hosts coke fuelled sex parties at his mansion attended by (((hollywood elites)))

How do you drink onions? Like a smoothie or something?

this insane art school bitches will burn everything down then blame you


>18 posts by this ID
What's the longnose tribe's endgame with Elon and this constant astroturfing?

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Not an argument

This unironically

Tesla's meltdown will be spectacular.

It was retarded to begin with to think he can juggle tesla and spacex

>Not an argument
Not an argument.

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>that interview where he cried a few days ago, claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day


He’s so full of shit

Forgot to change your ID. No shekels will be deposited.


reminder he is filling grimes


Based elon

Why would you ever deal with Azealia Banks that girl is a walking dumpster fire who fucks up anyone she comes into contact with. Honestly wtf grimes YA BLEW IT

agreed. hes losing it. (((they))) have finally got to him

>autistic billionaire calls out the media
>gets fucked on all sides
technically Elon should be one of our boys and have support here

you fucking summerfags seemingly don't know the history of this website

she got dumped over it

after having plans to have his children and get pregnant in a few months with him.

>billionaire risks it all to work hard and lose it all for no benefit
>loses sanity
>company gets stolen from him
>wasn't his company in the first place
>nothing of value was lost

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zerohedge/drudge/breitshart and other types are all anti-elon aligned for some reason, probably advertisers or something.

Not sure why, they are dumb for it

musk is an autistic retard. learn from his mistakes biztards. Only chads can be chads and fuck emos and maintain sanity.

Drudge/brietbart/zerohedge love relying on oil countries, love relying on power plants, etc. Tesla even if you hate it as some liberal company because of subsidies is pushing decentralization technologies that disrupt global chains like oil and power.

There is nothing better than solar panels and EV cars for decentralization.

>[citation required]

Elon fell victim to a very common thing, he was Cunt Struck


>citation needed
think about the technology brainlet, do you seriously only think or accept something when someone tells you on Jow Forums?

solar panels and batteries are small, portable and work anywhere on the planet you can get sun. think about oil now. massive cost and operation for extraction, processing, refinement and transportation for you to use.

This man can't even manage his own life. You expect him to manage multiple companies and be a father figure to his kids?

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