Why is southern Europe so mountainous?

Why is southern Europe so mountainous?

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à cause des perles de perlimpinpin


probably because the African and Eurasian tectonic plates are meeting in the Mediterranean

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Learn 2 tectonic u fagget

The best questions is why doesn't Netherlands have any mountains or forests? They come to Germany just to see some mountains. Top kek.

Dutch are based, they conquer the sea.

they should have never taught you how to do it

What? We are island niggers, they literally turn the sea into land. They are like Gods crafting the earth into their own image.

africa is in the middle of a plate and filled with niggers, how does your fancy theory explain that

Mountains, sea...
Feels bad being a steppe nigger.

>why yes, I am indeed dutch, how did you know?

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Hmmm comfy

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We will be the only relevant europeans to exist when the waters rise,the Iberian man wins again

why are shitaloniggers so racist when they themselves are at least 1% african>?

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what's going to happen when the dutch reach the british isles in their conquerings?

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Everything will turn into a scorching hot desert tho

ice age Iberia must've been so comfy, an entire region filled with alpine forests and meadows

dutch are based so good times will be had by all and lulz will be had when the g*rmans, the n*rdics, and b*ltics are all cut off from the fastest route to the atlantic

Imagine living there

it already is

They were part of the African continent which broke off and joined Proto-Europe 100 to 65 million years ago, the mountains are were they crashed into.

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The definition of comfy

place like this make me nervous

Big Black Africa keeps pushing on our wet spot down there

what about norway?

u jelly?

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more like SOULthern Europe

Castilla leon?