Why yes...

>why yes, I am a grown ass man who still had has fantasies about stopping a terrorist attack or bank robbery by myself and having my picture published across the world as a hero and certified badass

Attached: 20190701_124016.jpg (714x1102, 229K)

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Wait Trump posts on Jow Forums?

>why yes, I have fantasised about taking a phone call in a foreign language in front of classmates and talking in it like it was nothing, how could you tell?

Attached: chad.png (988x1190, 462K)

>Tfw used to dream about stopping a terrorist attack at school and people would start praising me after

Why'd you have to remind me gigachad

Attached: 1546364179469.png (700x700, 483K)



I fantisize about the opposite desu

for me it's italian

Don't forget the fantasy about your city getting bombed, your school collapsing, and you waking up in the rubble next to your crush who you must defend from Fallout mutants and who you have crazy post apocalyptic sex with

If you do this where I live, people laugh at you