Created btc for the masses to replace the role of third-party by the big government

>created btc for the masses to replace the role of third-party by the big government
>"please approve ETF sir please sir ETF sir bullrun when??? :)))"


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>the user with ideals

>created btc for the masses to speculate and try to get rich quick

it stopped being ancaps wet dream long ago dude, now its all about them elites establishing it as world reserve currency

Link is unironically the BIGGEST hypocrisy. Their entire success relies on the largest jew banking corporations to use chainlink. And these fools think they are blessed by Kek when its metaphysically the devil's work.

Can you stop posting trannies?

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its about easier access to normies, not about controlling it.


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>implying their's a difference

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if the masses are too stupid to see it then an etf is better than nothing. I don't have time to wait 20 years for every boomer to open ther eyes and see that there is a problem with inflation/ptinting money.
I think most people who first found out about crypto/btc were idealist and wanted the society to free itself from the jewish chains but the more time you spend in this market the less you give a fuck about boomer and normies and just want to get rich yourself.

Mein Got beautiful

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I can't believe that there are people alive that prefer bbw and the thicc meme over a girl like this.

Etf is just more people buying into bitcoin you dumbass.

she hasnt got much ass tho user

>muh ass mang nowaamsayinn nigga

Shit taste

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We're still very early in the process. Cashing out being a meme will become a lot more apparent as time goes on.

Are there any coins that still hold these ancap ideals?

Bitcoin Cash, that's where the old ancaps went.

Who is that girl reverse image search gives results for some chink

no wide hips, not genetically fit to reproduce, 2/10wife 9/10 fuck

is this the perfect female?

if she had wider hips it would be

>fake tits



Nah normies dont understand how they are getting poorer every year with fiat. Random fucktards decide monetary policy Fuck that if bitcoin doesnt act like a store of value with the next halving ill capitulate.

Yes without a doubt.

Fuck you sergey is ourguy.
He only sucks banker cock as his dayjob, by night he dictates ancap shitposts while ironing his shirt

Calm down

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Boomers hip to the (intentional) impending failure of the system buy PMs. Most boomers can barely wrap their heads around text messaging and Facebook. The notion that they’ll be able to navigate the purchase of cryptos is laughable. If they are indeed aware of the depths of the rot of financialization it’s unlikely they’re investing in ETFs anyway.

had to look again. saw the adams apple. fuck. science has gone too far

Oh god i fapped to this. Did you fags just make me gay?

user ...

its a woman actually