What does the average person think of interracial dating in your country?

What does the average person think of interracial dating in your country?

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90% of the country is composed of mutts, but people still talk about racism in love relations.
Like when a dago woman date a mullato

My white sister married a black man from Cuba and nobody is bothered with it.

stop posting wh*te women dating BLACK BVLLS, it's driving wh*toids crazy

they don't care

Most don't care as long the male is more than 6 ft, if he is shorter than that other mexicans bully him, yes complete strangers bully a couple if the male is under 6 ft. The only way manlets can aquire peace on the streets is to bulk and become a mini hulk

too much they think about it too much.

I dunno man, I love seeing wh*Te boys seethe

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Its almost encouraged here.

I think most people realize that caring is fuckijg autistic

The average person here has more on his mind than who is dating with whom

I dont support relations outside of marrige buts its more about the character than race

White suburban teen boys who spend too much time on the internet are obsessed with them and hate them. Everyone else (especially people who have had sex) doesn't care.

Indian, Muslims/Arabs and Blacks are the true Alphas. Stay mad, betas!

Nobody really gives a shit, only people who do are a small number of super westernized Asians and some whites
But their impact is negligible compared to the general public

someone who worries about this, is just very obviously lonely and has never had a deep inter personal relationship before. you know it is very dehumanizing t strip people down to just their race and not consider them any further than that as people. someones race doesn't matter, a relationship is usually people getting to know each other on a deeper level and and sharing their lives with each other. it is very weird to me people look around at other people think only on the shallowest levels about them. to people in "interracial relationships", that fact is nothing more than just a light hearted joke every once and awhile.

have relationship

It's considered normal here in South Brazil.
We received many German between the 19th and 20th centuries and they all mingle just fine.

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based post

Lol, Blacks will always be superior. Cope

all three of their origin regions are destroyed or otherwise in disarray

"true alphas" get conquered kek

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Lmao, c uck. Enjoy your sloppy thirds, faggot

Idk about other regions but where I live we're becoming increasingly more obsessed with Asians and I don't even know why, it just happened, both men and women. It's not even weeb shit or KPop, Chinks are like mating magnets here and being in a relationship with an Asian person is perceived extremely positively.

at what, being an incel?

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Nah, you’re garbage. Cope harder R-neck. We own your lands, luxury goods and women. Try harder, fuckboi

BMWF is encouraged and celebrated

Superior at breeding the finest women. While you entertain yourself to fucking dogs and little kids, R-Neck.

Exactly. The sooner R-necks know their place (at the bottom of the rung) the better.

Lol 2 inch pajeet here thinking that the West+China doesn't own his entire country.

And also the least common, at least one of the least. All of the most common IR in the USA is white male + X female, especially white-asian and white-latina.

/thread. This line of thought is for polbabbys

every relationship is interracial in America when you think about it

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It depends when ethnic proportions are considered. White men and women are about the same. White men are marrying more Asians but white women are marrying more blacks, both equally balanced at marrying hispanics.

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>have relationship
fuck. i thought "have sex" was painful. i could always get a prostitute or fuck a drunk bitch from the bar, but a relationship... i just literally cant see that ever happening to me. having a 30 minute long conversation seems impossible to me.

i'm nothing but a broken man

>And also the least common, at least one of the least. All of the most common IR in the USA is white male + X female, especially white-asian and white-latina.
this is such a hilarious cope. go somewhere urban and see the nightlife. it's not uncommon in the least.

White Nationalism is becoming more and more popular here and Europe. It's great. I'm seeing the younger generation talk more about ethnonationalism and getting rid of blacks. Give it about 5-10 years and we'll have Ethnonationalist parties become powerful.

White trash fucking other white trash. Sounds good to me.

thos are marriage rates
every white women has fucked a black guy :)

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Why does it seem whites barely racemix but almost all the other races want to mix with whites?

>Kevin Zhang

Why is "interracial" a code word for BMWF?

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two main factors

1. there are more whites than anyone else

2. whites are the most capable beta providers.

>muh relationship
that's cuck talk. relationship is a meme that betas do. yt bitches just want sum of that bbc.

yo, i heard som' niggas copin' n sheit

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It's almost as if your population is majority white so there are times more whites for non-whites to end up marrying than there are non-whites for whites to marry, but I can't tell.

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Where can I get a GF that looks like this? Yes I am black.

damn white fags be mad loyal to white pornstars.


>someones race doesn't matter
nigga, ain't no real women want a mongrel, something that has nearly 0 similarities with her
women want children to be like their mini versions, to see themselves as a child and to raise them like if it was themselves
for women, creating children it's a lot more emotional than for men, so that implies the vast majority of women not wanting something that looks adopted as her child
it would be a woman trying to ignore her true feelings just because "progressivism" and sheit, trying to ignore her disgust in seeing something that looks nothing like her, but that came out from her, like if it was a creature

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This is truly Incel: the post.

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absolutely retarded

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this is what YOU believe, but it's not the truth

That's why white male is the epitome of sexual partner. No matter women race, her kids will be like her, but better with more white in them.

If male is fucking foreign races, specially black or turkish girl
If male has offspring with foreign races
>yeah, they look so much like their mother... i hope you don't have any regrets
If female is fucking foreign races
>whore, disgusting, golddigger, shameless, traitor, bad parents, treated like a pariah, gets gossiped about and played around, parents reject her
If female has offspring with foreign races
>dumb thrash peasant whore take your mongrels and fuck off to where they come from
Nigs and muds don't know they specifically get on a priority shitlist here because of how many crimes these retards commit and its easy pickings for cops and prosecutors to fulfill their quotas of work.

>m-m-muh nigros breeding more between themselves
>m-m-muh less than 1% of women going for sex tourism in shitholes
>m-m-muh ignoring the reality because i wish it's not true
cope more, niggas
grow a brain, mofos

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it's great and makes healthy hybrid babies

Why are whites disappearing so fast in Brazil?

based and real lifepilled

>m-m-muh look at this image i cherrypicked, while my nigga bros are 75% of the annual 65.000 homicide victims
cope more, nigga

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Brazil is 80% black

so what?
niggas are being erased a lot faster than whites, dum' mofo

Brazil is 95% black and white populations are decline fast from race-mixing, also in the United States where whites are the majority and they're still declining fast.

Not sure if incel or just shitposting.

I encourage it, hybrid vigor will improve the human race

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not so much racemixing but just because they are barely having any kids

naaaah, nah
raise up that percentage, nigro
make it 140%
cope more, fag nigga

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>incel or just shitposting
look at who's talking, the butthurt negro brazilian that creates daily threads about race here, spending all his time here

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I don't. Brazil is a >90% black nation and whites in Brazil are disappearing because they're the ones race-mixing the most. Brazil will be 100% black within a few decades.

favela nigga, go die by the hands of BOPE or stay here on this board being a blackincel

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its based and redpilled

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yeah, them 50% european blood "blacks" though
lel, brown nigga is insane on kaka boga shitposting

20 homicides in 100 000 people and you think that's enough to "save the white race" in Brazil? You're mentally ill. And if you truly want to "save the white race" what are you doing in Brazil being an incel on anime forums instead becoming a pan-European dictator?

>The One-Drop Rule reflected the idea that Negro blood was tainted and that its inclusion in a person's ancestry represented contamination of a more idealized form by a devalued. Negroes who passed as white were law breakers; anti-miscegenation laws remained on the books until 1967.

If you have a single non-white ancestor you are, by definition, not white. Brazil is >90% black and growing, while whites are disappearing.

Most fake sht every, White pussy to Black should be like 80% or smt

>One-Drop Rule
this nigga is literally retarded
the world for this nigger is either aryan or black
this nigga might be the biggest loser of Jow Forums, of all times

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>this nigga is literally retarded
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants developed the One-Drop Rule, and I agree with them entirely, and every true white nationalist does too. And why are you so bitter about it? Are you 10% black or something? An ugly light-skinned negro like pic related? I guess I understand why you're so resentful about blacks and so obsessed with whites, because we don't like you and you're yet to realize that neither do white nationalists.

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>If you have a single non-white ancestor you are, by definition, not white.

by the same logic, no one is white in the world, go read a book about genetic history

you probably believe something like a "pure" white person do actually exist, the difference is only the age of the admixture

while a finnish got his asian ancestry some thousand of years ago, a brazilian or argentinian got his native ancestry just a few hundred years ago

Aprende a pescar, novofagoto.

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>y-you l-look like t-this
>y-you a-are 10% b-black
nigga, let me ask you something, are you literally mentally retarded?

White nationalism and ethnonationalism are two different things. White is not an ethnicity. It is a racial and therefore political category. Eurofags are white nationalist. They know who they are.

edgelord. people like you irl are hilarious to watch awkwardly walk around being weird

the strange thing is that that nigga talks about other people being ugly incels that no one wants around

America is not Europe.

Do you consider your founding fathers to be edgelords? All those White Anglo-Saxon Protestant politicians who thoroughly supported the One-Drope Rule to be edgelords? Are mixed-race people of color suddenly white? I don't think so. I'm simply agreeing with those who knew the most, and I'm a black man myself.

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yeah anyone born before the 20th century was pretty fucked in the head

Nobody cares, everyone has at least one friend or relative in one.

I guess you're also one of those "white nationalists" with tainted blood. Many such cases in the USA, it's a pity.

dude, just ignore this mofo, a literal mentally retarded dude that probably posts here 24/7, always butthurt about something

How could that ugly nig score that girl? genuinely curious.

they look like best friends

Did I hit a nerve? You're not white, you're a light-skinned black person at best.

Mixed-race people of color are not white by any measurable and broadly accepted standard. Having blue eyes and blonde hair alone also does not make one white, it only helps you pass as white more often, like they do in the United States. Only 100% pure and untainted European blood makes one legitimately white.

If Nazi Germany had won WW2 I guarantee you they would be using modern science to detect even the slightest hint of non-Germanic DNA to purge them from the pure German gene pool.

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Irish and Germans (my heritage) have the white gene you monkey faggot.

another data mining thread and retards fall for it with the kitchen sink

Do you have a DNA test to prove that? And if you are indeed a pure-blooded European you should also marry a woman who is a pure-blooded European if you wish to preserve your white lineage, otherwise if you are not a pure-blooded European you will end up tainting the blood of those that are, and even 0.01% of tainted blood can be detected by modern genetic tests.

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I live in Cologne (west Germany), so there is basically no racial tension between blacks and whites.

Regarding girls, white girls love black men here. Get more matches than my white friends for sure. My brother just bought a house with his (white) gf and so they are about to settle down.

I really believe that there is a special connection between white females and black males. Maybe it's all the shit that went down during slavery. Black man getting castrated for loving the plantation owners daughter and shit like that. So many horrible things happened to my people

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Oh, that's our germany cuck obsessed with black cocks, good morning, cuck.

You want to know the truth? I'm not a bit German. My father is African(came from Nigeria to study during Soviet times) and my mother is Russian (naturalized German). I am half black half Slavic. And I am very happy with that. You see, majority of Slavic males have degenerate genes which make them look sickly; they are either skinny or skinny fat. Me on other hand, I naturally have muscular body. And what's even better, I got mom's blue eyes and dad's black hair. I lost my virginity when I was 14 with a 21 years old woman. I am 191cm tall and I easily deadlift 250 kg. My penis is... well, it's big.

And if my father was Slavic, I would have been yet another subhuman in a country full of subhumans.

I am happy to be racemixed.

Didn't read your shit, because you are cuck.

Kek bro, youre "German" though. Not American. No slavery there.

Blacks share a deep connection all over the world. Have you watched Avatar?

And race influences character. But if white women want to get beat up by Tyrone so be it.

That interestong user. Im a Turko Slavic hybrid living in the US and feel pretty cool about that. I mean I basically look like any other white person, so probably can"t relate to your sense of overtly mixed identity as much. That being said, I'm not really a fan of miscegenation or Muslim/African immigration to Europe, but in terms of a relationship I'm more concerned about whether someone is degenerate or not, not if they're black/white/etc (and personally I've dated a black, hispanic, and two "eurasian" women).

Shaming and shamed in public worh disgusted and not approving looks. As it should be. Same with adopted niggers.

You gotta try pure white girls though.

Brown and black women are disgusting. But I guess I'm biased as a black dude living in hot white girls central. It's truly an amazing place for black man to live

Brown girls are for white man I'd say. Maybe that will help them getting over the fact that "their" women prefer us black folk