/cum/ + friends

New ContraPoints video edition


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Lil Nas X more like Lil Bepis In Poopy Colon

>over 6 hours

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/brit/ is shit
simple as

S H I T I N / B R I T /

>listen to Mike talk to Ry
>a viewer asks how much he diddy lifts
>he ignores the question

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The new contrapoints video was pretty weak desu. Funny and cute, but its presentation gets in the way of explaining her ideas. It hasn't been like this in past vids.


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still i give it a like tho

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>liked a contrapoints video

the absolute STATE of america

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gf is mad about her boobs being too small

white supremacists love to romanticize all the genocides and conquests their ancestors have done.
but yet love to claim that they just want to live in peace in ethnostates and leave everyone alone.

bros what's Grafenwöhr like?

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>there are different factions that desire different things within every political movement
imagine my WOW

i've been falling in and out of sleep for hours now. dunno y i'm so tired when i already slept.

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"White supremacist" is an anti-white slur.

hear's why that's a BEAUTFUL tHING

every white supremacist believes in genociding groups of people they don't like.


i always listen to your song user!

do you have any reason why that is or is it just your feelings?

Anyone that tells you he believes in genetic superiority is a fool or a fed.

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)04:23:08 No.107843278▶
>every white supremacist believes in genociding groups of people they don't like.

what if i just don't like looking at ugly brown people

are you genetically equal to someone with down's syndrome haha

aww, thank you argieanon.

Perfectly understandable from a purely visual aesthetic standpoint.
I never denied genetic inferiority. How else would I explain Africa?

>How else would I explain Africa?
Socioeconomic factors

whiteness is just how you identify as

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I don't identify as white. I am "white" as my genealogy is included under the umbrella, but that isn't how I describe myself.

I am subnordid.

sensing some HARD poo-eye cope going on rn

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There's ONE RACE


thanks you for the great music!

I used to identify as white when I was younger

Identity is gay AND retarded. You simply are what you are, head-canon is utterly irrelevant

I have blue eyes and pink nipples.


Waiting patiently for someone to get baited into posting nip picz

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Women should have their rights revoked and any women born after 1980 should be publicly executed.
Then when the new generation of women born will be indoctrinated to believe core values such as family values. They should be taught to understand that women are for breeding and taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning. All that. When a women goes rouge about "muh rights" she should be shot on sight. Then the world would be sane again.

no problem, it's my pleasure.

race is a social construct and is different depending on the location
a Spaniard is seen as white in Spain but in America is seen as Hispanic because of his/her swarthy skin

malwarebytes is constantly wanting to update aaaa

>any women born after 1980 should be publicly executed.
>Then when the new generation of women born will be indoctrinated to believe core values such as family values.
Do you have any idea how generations work you fucking retard LOL

opinion: women shouldn't have children after they turn 25

couldn't agree more.

opinion: pic related

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Women Voters are based and accelerationist and therefore crypto-traditionalist

listening to Billie Eilish rn

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t.cock sleeve

no one deserves voting rights
least of all retarded cuckservatives

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I'm playing vanilla minecraft and it is fun.

the accelerationist canadian always makes me lol, i like his roundabout thinking

have SEX incel

wish i had a laptop to play games

AI should be in charge of calculating the best tax, trade, environmental, and legal policies of every cunt. place every citizen under digital surveillance and dissenters should be gunned down ai drones

Voting rights only matter when the government has too much power.

we basically already live in this world

gf is asleep

imagine if the AI makes cannibalism legal

>"""too much power"""

Dumb ass, governments hold all the power

imagine the smell...

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take all sovereignty and decisionmaking abilities away from human beings. only then could this system of government be truly called equal and just. robots create the crap we need, we just consume shit, procreate, and die

>only then could this system of government be truly called equal and just
equality and justice are mutually exclusive

>robots create the crap we need, we just consume shit, procreate, and die
would rather just be dead than live like this

gf read a post on reddit about sleeping nude leading to more sex and makes us sleep nude now

remember the first time u fumbled round back tryna take off a girl's bra haha


already know what i will have for breakfast
a bowl of cereal and a green apple

Why don’t you just fuck more homo??

I dislike contrapoint. Her videos all deal with topics that have very little impact in the real world.

>I dislike contrapoint. Her videos all deal with topics that have very little impact in the real world.

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i like arugula salad with freshly grated parmesan and olive oil vinaigrette.
watch philosophytube.

3:33 is the ideal length of a song, can't be beat

Fight me. I'll be the guy doing chin ups at the bus stop.

I COULD easily kick EVERY /cum/poster's ASS

Thank Ur Lucky Charms that i am so MAGNANIMOUS

*gets shot by american bvlls concealed carrying freedom in the back of their pants*

*Catches ur bullet in my teeF*

diets are so hard

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Ummm were both in our early 20s we already do on a daily basis it just lead to her initiating More

knock her up already gayboy

I don’t want babies yet

it's not. you're just weak.



When I take over the US, all heterosexual men and homosexual women who can’t take a bra off with one hand will be executed


zhang, alternatively muhammad


I normally like Contrapoints quite a lot, but it feels like she's losing it a little bit in terms of substance (although the visuals are getting better)

I want her to do a video chasers so it feels like I'm getting mentioned

someone needs to tell him he should have sex

There is literally nothing more retarded than listening to YouTube pundits

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it's probably the lowest form of entertainment out there.

so far my most successful thread on Jow Forums in 2019