Extremely arrogant, racist, xenophobic and pretntiuous "people"

Extremely arrogant, racist, xenophobic and pretntiuous "people"

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Stfu monkey
We all know you're just another gianny's

Oooh oooh oooh aaaah aaah aaah

I am not


The sudacāo fears the med BVLL

you know itlians hate muslims right?

who doesn't?

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especially you
me i don't they are based, please stone the whores

I have never - I repeat: never - seen a good brazilian post.
It's absolutely unbelievable. Not even amerimutts manage to produce such a perfectly continuous string of horrible posts

>*gunshots and monkey sounds*

romanians are treated like shit in italy

Brazilians are treated like shit everywhere

And so are romanians. But romanian gypsies migrate on masse to italy, so italians pretty much hate you despite you sucking their dicks

Make up your mind, favela monkey


I saw a Brazilian WWII movie where they had to communicate with an Italian partizan and I never thought how Brazilians would be capable of sorta barely understanding Italian before it.


>please, please hate italians just like I do
Have coffe

South Park is the epitome of American ignorance masquerading as humour.

Shut up Romanian

Ok I kek'd


turk w a proxy maybe

>Brazilian pigs
>It's easy to win when there's 50 Brazilian monkeys yelling at you

you just confirmed my post tho
also, have sex and stop watching e-"sports"

If all those buzzwords keep Italy, Italian, then so be it!

I agree

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Zitta scimmia


Racist and xenophobic?

where is the italian holocaust and apartheid? Jow Forums is not reality, wake the fuck up

where is the italian caste system? where are the "scientific" race theories?

suce pula, mata are o pizda cat galeata

Italians are probably the least racist people relative to what they have to deal with

>Italians are the most racist people relative to what they have to deal with

Du-te-n morții mă-tii de maimuțoi.

Or maybe you spend too much time online most I've met are normal people

>Extremely arrogant
based and red-pilled

whatever fits your headcanon I guess

Agreed, Stupid idiots dumb fucks. with that said, don t come here, we re more than full.

Just the way we like them.

Nice trips.

Attached: Spurdo.jpg (1600x900, 102K)

Wrong image, you meant to post the (((Union))) (((Jack)))

Hello gianny

We also have flaws too

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there is literally nothing that makes me think I'm dealing with a subhuman more than a post with the picture of a smug anime girl

sei furente piddino?

>meme reply
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
thanks for confirming what I just wrote I guess

ah già che ci sei, apri la bocca che me ne scappa una

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When I went to Italy the people were quite friendly to me. Didn't seem arrogant or xenophobic at all

>racist, xenophobic and pretentious people
Lived near Termini Station in Rome for half a year and never had a remark thrown at me nor did I ever feel any racist, xenophobic or pretentious sentiment
Italians made me feel more welcome than I felt at home
Maybe you should be a better example of your people rather than expecting respect simply by being from another country

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romanians are italians

Did you know that America invented pizza

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Kinda true.

>near Termini Station
isn't that area full of immigrants and gypsies? or they cleaned it up?

If I recall the last time I lived in Italy there was just gypsies and not that many immigrants
It probably isn't holding up as well as before with the wave of muslim migrants presumably

nah, I heard they were moving the gypsies out of the town as well
a lot of protests against Salvini for that

*descasca banana*
Anda cá macaquinho

> (OP)
>I saw a Brazilian WWII movie where they had to communicate with an Italian partizan and I never thought how Brazilians would be capable of sorta barely understanding Italian before it.

Okay, my mutt friend. Brazil speaks Portuguese that is one other the languages of the Romance Languages. If you have half a brain cell you can understand the main message of a sentence in Spanish and Italian there are a lot of similarities, more with Spanish. Is also possible to understand French is some degree, but is way harder their grammar and way to speak somethings went full autistic.
And well every family have that retarded cousin that needs some special care... That is Romenian, no one understands Romenian.

Irish are cute and bros, unless you are some pole or romanian, moldovan.

How are those bad things

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