What do my fellow Europeans think about LIDL? Do you go grocery shopping there?
What do my fellow Europeans think about LIDL? Do you go grocery shopping there?
Daniel Carter
Gavin Clark
This is only for high-status countries in the Balkans like Bulgaria and Serbia, us in undeveloped Balkans don't have LIDL.
Michael Myers
yeah sure I bought some sausages and cheese there yesterday
the themed stuff is also good most of the time
Isaac Bailey
interesting. what about aldi?
Gavin Perez
I'm an Aldi guy and your thread sucks.
Wyatt Clark
Benjamin Evans
The theme week isn't bad. But it's still seen as the poor people supermarket. Like a new Denner
Jack Walker
It's just another evil german plot to take ober the world.
Ryder Taylor
i liked a lot the thai and asian products
Liam Peterson