Best manlet country

What is the best country to be a manlet?

Attached: 5whenwilltheylearn.jpg (797x1307, 575K)

Southern italy.
I am 165 cm and almost feel normal

Why are italians manlets when they share same dna as french and have enougj food to eat?

Colombia must be on the top, being under 1,70 male is pretty normal here and the grilles are used to it (they are very short too anyways).

Fuck i should go there.
I'm 1m77 and feel normal in France but manlet af where I live in Germany.
It's hard to get girls here if you're small and white, I look like a manlet local, nothing interesting or exotic to tip the balance.

Diet based on carbs and vegetables.
They need to eat more protein.


>Southern italy.
That's the correct answer but
>165 cm and almost feel normal
that's a very big "almost".

I'm a manlet and I hate my life

Indonesia according to wikipedia