Your neighboring country which you know almost nothing about

Your neighboring country which you know almost nothing about.

Attached: hu-flag.jpg (728x425, 11K)


Attached: dep_lim_car.jpg (2384x1742, 499K)

Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova

Literally WHO?

Attached: daenemark.jpg (735x721, 71K)

this shithole

Attached: images (12).png (255x170, 217)

this country

Attached: 2560px-Flag_of_Oman.svg.png (2560x1280, 89K)


that's our only decent neighbor

Attached: Flag_of_Suriname.svg.png (255x170, 1K)

that little Russia up north

Nobody knows what happens in Georgia

Sweden ???

Yes, that's Portugal

you sir are a turk and a balkanite


Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Greenland.svg.png (1280x853, 8K)

for me its slovenia
only thing i know about them is that they illegely occupy the hungarian region they call "prekmurje"

i'm actually north chakavian and a tiny bit venetian but whatever you say zlovenec

Are they even real?

Attached: 750px-Flag_of_Belize.svg.png (750x500, 106K)

Maybe not nothing but definitely less than any other neighbour.

Russia - lite version, I guess

I've seen stereotypes in movies and the TV but I have no idea what actually happens in typical Mexico.

Attached: andorra.png (800x560, 50K)