Whenever I think of the brownest things I can think of, there's always a link back to these countries...

Whenever I think of the brownest things I can think of, there's always a link back to these countries. How is it possible?
For example
Real Madrid -> Madrid -> Spain
Gucci -> Florence -> Italy
Vespa -> Italy
Marco Asensio -> Marocco -> Spain
Shisha/Hookah -> North-Africa -> Spain
Reggaeton -> South-America -> Spain

Why does it keep happening?

Attached: web-21[1].jpg (825x510, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Reggaeton -> South-America -> Spain

This is a brown world, and you are living in it. We are the masters of brown people

only of arabs

Why?Reggaeton is huge in Spain. This is a reggaeton festival in Spain.

Attached: img_emuntanola_20190529-092603_imagenes_md_otras_fuentes_rbf_-bcn_18_-k1QH-U462562080251B0B-980x554@ (978x548, 134K)


We have a huge Spic comunity and thots here love that music

i don't like this music, i'm into balearic trance and house from 90s/early 2000s


Or maybe you are an imageboarder out of touch with normal popular culture

Arabs, sudamericans and muttoamericans obey to us. Los amerindeanos/filipino obey to spain.

t. kills people for Gucci and Lacoste

Culturally everybody follows PR, sadly

you are talking with 2 different Spaniards with 2 different positions ...

>Whenever I think of the brownest things I can think of, there's always a link back to these countries. How is it possible?

t. owns Real Madrid jersey and listens to Reggaeton

>best team in the world
>most popular music right now.
This is what i call envy

>yallah yallah Madrid!

Alhamdulillah why do you think that

Many brown people over here engage in the activities mentioned in the OP

Now let me think about white things. Mmh i see soyboys, femdom, euthanasia and gay marriages.

t. spanish speaker

op is not wh*Te, but a k*Rd

How Real Madrid is one of the brownest thing?
Same for Vespa?
I guess Gucci is popular among brown people.

>How Real Madrid is one of the brownest thing?
Pretty much the official team of the Arab world
>Same for Vespa?
Official ride of every Nafri all over Europe and I'm sure spics like them as well

Do you like this things, OP?

I had a Vespa Ciao and it was alright.

Are you the Dutch user obsessed with Asensio, OP? Are you jealous that he won titles with his dad's national team instead of his mum's?

Why does the mere mentioning of his name upset so many Spaniards?

t. owns a camel and rides it to the mosque
Inshallah, my brown cousin.

My nafri detector says you are a morocANO OP

t. smokes shisha while listening to brown autotune music
mashallah brother

>My nafri detector
You mean looking into the mirror?

Attached: 257323[1].jpg (400x500, 43K)

t. smokes cigarettes at the street while catcalls underage girls
Salam alaikum, brother.

smoking and catcalling -> Sicily-> Italy

>NAfri damage control

It doesn't, but it's weird that Asensio gets posted so many times here. He's neither our best nor our brownest player. He gets posted usually by Dutch flags so I understand they do it because of his Dutch mum.