I'm an incel because of my parents. They raised me as a social retard with low self-esteem. I mean I'm not really ugly, just average. I see that sometimes girls stare at me when I go outside. I'm skinny but I work out and try to eat healthy so I have a bit of muscle and a six-pack.
So over time really attractive girls flirted with me and I could see that they liked me but soon they lost interest because I'm a retarded overthinker who was just too afraid to make my move. So thanks a lot mom and dad.
I'm an incel because of my parents. They raised me as a social retard with low self-esteem. I mean I'm not really ugly...
I find this somewhat relatable
I know what you mean, it’s almsot impossible to overcome bad parenting. It’s crazy how little control you have over your life when you’re young.
Nice blog
Maybe if you delete wojaks and stop blogposting you'll get better
just be confident bro
yeah i'll try
ok from now on i'll start using gigachad images
my premimery school teacher killed my confidence.
i was walking to class, she pulled me and said that i shouldn't hit on girls in school. i wasn't doing anything but someone probably said something to teacher about me.
i stayed away girls for a long time because of that. while people were practising their dating skill, i became shy and kissless until university.
fucking idiot. ruined my life.
I also find this relatable. My dad and sometimes other memebers of my family often berated and humiliated to the point that I became kind of an autistic retard with ultra low confidence.