Turkey has 4 million syrian refugee

turkey has 4 million syrian refugee

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So do we

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i read an article about a few syrians who found asylum here in brazil and it was super sad because they got scammed :/

Why did you let them in, frens?

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Because they're people who need help.

i've heard turks marry multiple syrian women often young

Because their women love Big, Muslim cocks!

Imagine running away from a war and going to a country where more people are murdered each year than in your literal warzone xD

at least you kept the better ones and sent the shitty ones here, still sucks I guess

Nope it's not allowed to marry more than one woman here. They are cheap prostitues tho.

But shouldn't your priority be the poor and helpless in your own country first?
Is it fair to them to give monetary and other aid to foreigners instead?

Aren't Syrian Muslim too?

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They’re all brown anyway, so who cares

That's silly. Things don't work like that.
You don't bring the entire world into a halt because there are poor people out there.
We can multitask. Help the poor and help the refugees.

>We can multitask. Help the poor and help the refugees.
But the aid that goes to the refugees could have gone to the poor. Personally I think it's a little presumptuous to take responsibility for the citizens of another country like that when you could be helping your own instead.

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So what? You used to be the same country, its a problem when they get sent to Europe cause they're not the same race

t. brainlet

Same here. there is a video of an Iraki qt who was promised to be taken to America and they brought her here instead. I'd kms

Not an argument

Americans are cringe as fuck.

Turks are a traditional european power, Turks are good lads.
You aren't, fuck off.

Technically, she was taken to America

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>HeLp Im SyRiAn AnD i NeEd ReFugE

shut up and suck my cock

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Why is your currency so bad now? What happened?

They whore themselves en masse?

Basically we stopped producing stuff. That's what happens when you export everything. Also whenever Erdogan says something stupid our currency decline. For example I built a pc in 2013 for 4000 liras and it was the best at time. Best gpu, best cpu etc. Now if I want to build the equilavent pc I need 9000 liras just for gpu. That's how much fucked up we are.

Yes they are either prostitues or beggars. Just a couple of days ago I was walking on the street and one of them stopped me and asked me if I wanted a blowjob.

Damn wasn't expecting this from Arab girls desu.
Well, they are impoverished, but still.

Sucks to be you

I imagine the "better ones" are actually here and not in Turkey or anything bordering on Syria

>They whore themselves en masse?
Ofc, just like Moroccans

>Because they're people
No, they aren't you fucking idiot

Globalism is a massive scam anyway, you don't need cpu and gpu for happiness. As a native european, I tell you again, the free market is a scam and doesn't provide happiness.

Just annex syria lol

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nerdesin user, ist?

Evet. Yürüyordum geldi arkada ağzıma alayım mı diye sordu takmayıp uzaklaştım hemen. Kim bilir kaç tane yarak aldı ağzına şimdiye kadar.

Yes but they are your muslim brothers. I wouldn't mind if we had 4 million dutch refugees for example in my country

Cringe,syrians are closer too us than the dutch


anadolu yakası? :D

half of them had an ancestor who fought in gallipoli, majority of the ottoman army there was Syrian btw
in return, you destroyed their country, then enslaved them
you're extremely shitty people

its your fucking fault you fucking anglo tool
thats what you are, a tool of inbred algos, its what your prime purpose on this realm is
bask in it, its your only purpose and only opportunity to shine
i could have said this 1000 years ago, then every day until now and i would be right every day


Domme t*tta

Syrians seem like good people, tbqh.

> As a native european, I tell you again, the free market is a scam and doesn't provide happiness.

Euros are so knee deep in protectionism because in a fair market they would get wrecked by non-Euros and East euros.

Because people help people out. Many refugees destination countries used to be the source of refugees themselves. If Uganda was like "lol no refugees" despite being a huge source of them back in the day everyone would chew them out. Uganda todays has a lot of refugees form South Sudan.

Many places were a destination for refugees in ww2.


of what

Like Polish refugees.

>majority of the ottoman army there was Syrian
>you destroyed their country
>then enslaved them

And you guys do nothing about your organ harvesting.