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Bugman strikes agian

>“Now this kangaroo court is trying to give me a life sentence for me trying to protect and defend myself against the attack from three guys ― in essence, treating me like a black man,” Char said in his statement.

>“So today, I’m going to be a black man,” he added.

what a legend

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absolute madman

Ok what is "road rage stabbing" ? Can't you stop inventing new forms of murder guys ?

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"Road rage" means getting pissed off at someone who cuts you off in traffic. It means he murdered someone for cutting him off on the freeway.

how is it treating him like a black man? it is more common for blacks to group up and attack
he is playing the race card this chang

Ok, I still can't picture it but ok.

He obviously had them stopped then stabbed them in the confrontation

>honk at the wrong guy for being a bad driver
>he follows you and beats the shit out of you at the next red light

Nothing wrong with that, only subhumans honk.

based chinaman

Surprised he used a knife though.

You will never be white joao

What state?

I've never honked because I live in a really bad area and I'm a beta anyways.


Fug is there nowhere to be safe in USA ?

Hawaii is a shithole

The whole thing is lulzy.

>"If you look in the mirror, Mr. Char, you’re not gonna see a black person," said Judge Todd Eddins in his sentencing, KITV reported. "You’re gonna see a menace. You’re gonna see a menace to society.”

I fucking love my country. There is no other place on the entire planet where a chinaman will paint his face to look like a nigger, all in the essence to set the mood in a court of law for a homicide case. All you other countries can suck our dick.

I'd imagine the concealed carry states have lower rates of road rage because you'd have to be crazy to approach an armed man's car. It would end up like a mafia movie.

Oh god thats so lame

>you’re not gonna see a black person
>You’re gonna see a menace. You’re gonna see a menace to society
Same thing.

Lol. Reminds me of don't be a menace on South Central while drinking juice in the hood

>I'll defend myself by pretending to be black.
>you know the one other race that would get a stiffer sentence then the one I am in court for

For every method of being clever there's a thousand for being stupid.

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Cope. Youre too scared to honk

This. I honk at slow/crazy drivers, because I know they wont try anything.

Surprisingly redpilled

fuck cagers

>You’re gonna see a menace to society
So a black person ?

Jesus christ

He should have dressed up as a woman instead

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You're too retarded to understand, i see.

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