Culture Pals /cp/

Hijack edition.

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?

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Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

qtcrawler script: (embed)

The previous one:

Attached: hi_Jack.gif (289x163, 3.78M)

...and on that note I'm going to sleep.

G'Night russbro

News on the wire is that Russia is a massive hellhole.

Please save me from the hellhole.

What’s wrong

>be me
>meet Polish qt on interpals
>having great conversation for first 4 days
>taking trip to Europe but not for another 2 months
>don't think I can keep up this level of conversation for 2 months and don't want it to peter out
>thinking of saying I will be on wilderness excursion for 2 months and won't be able to talk to her, but asking her to meet up after it's over
r8 my plan Jow Forums. Also could use some advice on what excuse to use for not being able to talk to her

culture pals

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Terrible idea. Get her on WhatsApp ASAP

culture Pals

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What the fuck do I talk to her about for 2 months?


Something new happened?

People who do not like Russia just move to Moscow.

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is “get her on WhatsApp ASAP” a meme or is it serious? I’ve managed fine without it

Nothing, that's what makes it memorable

I don't know about the asap part but generally when I feel a girl only uses the site to talk to me I just ask because it immediately makes it more personal and gets rid of the competition

What does that mean?

Everything. Take pictures of your day and send it to her. Show her your guns too
Not meme

You'll know when after talking to her everyday for two months

My day is boring as fuck though, I have one class and spend the rest of the time browsing and masturbating

Kinda meme but also true.
Some qts delete their accounts right away or so many dudes message them your message gets buried.
But once you get to WhatsApp, there's a chance for the convo to die right away too. :(

Show her your guns

I need to keep this up for 2 months though, that's the problem. I can show her my guns once

How to make Turkish hijabi gibe nudes? Or at the very least pictures without her hijab

I don’t know, I tend to leave long messages and I find it comfy how we can leave each other two or three very long messages throughout the day yarning about anything. I can’t really do that on whatsapp and it’s far more direct and abrupt

literally just ask, tell her you want to know what her face looks like

Does anyone here have a eastern european qt?
What country has the best ones?

That's stupid,if you don't bond then she'll forget about you in 2 months.

I can see her face though in her pictures. A hijab doesn't cover the face like a burka does.

Talk to her about everything. Pretty much vlog your life to her. She will find it interesting

Make her love your jiggy jiggy

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So, finally the girl I talked to for 3 months has said she "isn't sure about her feelings for me anymore" essentially code for she no longer likes me. Not gonna lie I'm pretty fucking gutted, I've gotten closer to her than any girl and she was close to meeting me irl, I thought it'd be a chance for me to finally lose my virginity. I don't know when I'll be able to find a qt to replace her. Some of you lads probably recognise my posts by now, so this is how it eventually came to and end with her. Don't worry, won't be posting about her anymore.

Did she give a reason? What happened?

Well we had an argument a few days before and essentially it didn't get resolved, I tried apologising to her and she just said she's "not in the mood and to give her time to reply. Yesterday, I had enough and just asked her if she still liked me or not and she told me she'd reply at night. Basically, she gave some bullshit reasons like she was stressed out, not in a good mood and shit like that. As well as the distance (didn't seem to matter to her before). What I think it really was was that maybe she didn't like how I looked during the video call we had (she wasn't too good looking either). Or she lost her feelings because of the argument we had. I'm quite sad because it had been such a long time and I we got really close, only for it to fall apart like this in just a few days. Well, at least you guys won't have to see my posts about her anymore.

Qt international meganes....