
Feels good calibros, how's the weather in your cunt?

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>Posting using a system widely used on this board so everyone can understand and be included

great, not terrible

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11 c now

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I only use Celsius on Jow Forums

>using Cuck units
>not Freedom units
And it's 95F in this god forsaken desert we call Utah. Kill me

84 here in NY.

Why is everyone such a fucking pussy?

It hit 37C today. No so bad now.

Attached: weather5.png (633x469, 18K)

20C. It's supposed to be winter here, yet it is warmer than dane mark and canada land

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That's at 6 PM? What what the highest today?

Meanwhile, it got up to 41c here in DC today.

14°C in Seattle

Feels like hell and I'm cal born and raised. Where can I go to leave all this degeneracy weather behind? 22 C max

I'm right next to you nigger... I'm in Tijuana

Usually it's not that cold here this time of year. Should be 20-27.

wage slave here. In the AC room all day

>Using meme units
What does that mean in actual numbers?

89.6 FatAmerican unit

Raining here in Oregon

It's 19c right now

284 Kelvin

29 C here and humid as fuck

Thanks, Tojo.

I’m from Arizona visiting San Diego pretty comfy weather here

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you are loco!

stay there you dumbass iphone poster.