A 100% tax bracket sounds absurd to a person who actually needs their income to live and thrive...

A 100% tax bracket sounds absurd to a person who actually needs their income to live and thrive, but it's not absurd when you apply it to someone who has enough wealth to sustain themselves indefinitely. Having a 100% tax rate after the accumulation of a certain level of wealth would incentivize spending money back into the economy, as well as prevent the absurd (and worsening) disparity of wealth we see today.

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Fuck off commie scum. Heil Pinochet

The idea that billionaires hoard their money is retarded. Same for the idea that spending stimulates the economy. Fucking keynesians man, I also hate that this board is filled with them.
See video below.

Damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

Ok, tell me how you're going to tax Jeff Bezos at 100%. Go ahead. You can't, because you're a commie, and commies never think.

most people have the ability to logic their way to why this is a bad idea at about 14 years old
are you older than 14?

Most poor people are a net loss for society. There is no reason to give people money that don't and can never deserve it.

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>poorfags thinking that if the richest 1% died tomorrow and were forced to spread their wealth amongst the remaining 99% of the society we would all be rich or at least well-off. I guess we would all retire and aliens would be working at McD's/gas stations/construction etc

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I don’t agree with everything you are saying, but I do believe it is the responsibility of the ultra-wealthy to use some of their wealth on philanthropic endeavors. Look at Bill Gates for example and what he plans for his wealth after he eventually passes away. Or Andrew Carnegie, he was a great example.

I don’t think governments should be trusted to utilize my wealth appropriately.

I've got an idea let's kill all of the rich people

>Hoarding wealth

holy fuck these people are beyond hope.

>Look at Bill Gates for example and what he plans for his wealth after he eventually passes away.

He is free to do with his money whatever he pleases. That doesnt mean other people should be forced into charity.

Besides, that money is well spent in production of goods and services. Bill gates is smart, but spent billions on Africa and that place is just as shit as it was before. It seems his understanding of economics comes from keynes (who was dangerously wrong).

they think that if all that wealth was "released" we wouldn't just have a spike in inflation and everything would stay as it is.
That's why poor people need to stay poor.

he spends a lot of money on (((vaccines))) in africa, but even his fortune is nothing when you look how fast those niggers are multiplying

Nice way to announce your uselessness to the world.

>not just abolishing money entirely

You only say this shit because you're a fucking worthless poorfag. When you grow up a bit and make your own money, you'll not want to give it away. Grow up faggot

>Same for the idea that spending stimulates the economy.
Congrats on the stupidest comment on Jow Forums today

Good idea if they try to stomp on the poor, but I doubt they would do this hard enough to provoke a rebellion. Unless the economy crashes hard enough that is.

Are you implying that it does? Study law of the markets and Say, bro.

Fucking keynesians on my libertarian crypto man, cant wait for them to fuck themselves over.

t. retard
spending doesnt stimulate the economy. Entrepreneurs creating quality services to society does. Spending is just a by-product.

Agreed, that money belongs to the people of the United States of America, we can and should take it back at will whenever we want.

if you do nothing will nature provide you with food for the winter?

Such lunacy only gets more popular each year. This will be the impetus behind crypto adoption. Bank accounts can be frozen, wages garnished, gold stoeln, but crypto is more resistant to such democratic opression. One day we will return to a feudal society and things will be far better for everyone. Letting the bad people have a say in how things are run was a mistake.

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>Look at Bill Gates for example
yeah, he just wants to reduce population through the widespread use of vaccines
fucking brainlet.

true, no one needs more than 600 bucks a month, since you can life off it, so no one should get more than that, the rest goes to me

Every part of his speech was coded and was explaining to those with eyes to see and ears to hear the method to reduce the dumb goyim to zero. Really spooky shit right in plain sight.

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That’s not why he said that nor why he believes it. It is proven that in societies where families don’t lose 1 in every 2 children born due to illness they tend to have less children.

People tend to have more children the fewer assets they have and the crappier the living conditions. Rich people have fewet children. If you improve the livong conditions of the masses they will get higher grades on school and have fewer kids.

JFC, are you reading Marx or Keynes? Get fucked you commie piece of shit. Actually, don't get fucked. KILL YOURSELF NIGGER.

I'll take the obvious bait since my almonds are officially activated

Whatever you tax you reduce. We recognize this in regard to cigarettes but somehow forget it when we're talking about a progressive income. If you put a 100% tax on income over $1b, people will stop working at whatever arbitrary line is drawn. Ie, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Pretend for a moment that for every hour after 10 your employer paid you $0. Would you still put in a 40 hour work week? And if your were forced to would you work just as hard during the unpaid hours as during the paid ones? I think not.

It is exactly the same in proportion for every percentile of taxation. 100% tax = 0% effort, 90% tax = 10% effort, etc. This is as unchangeable as if it were a law of nature and is not changed by the fact that the rich have enough to live on. Most people could live the rest of their lives without working on $500k, but why do the rich continue to do so? Because what they produce is theirs. Make it not theirs and they will simply stop producing and inventing.

On the contrary though, do you think Elon Musk would just go "oh, I've reached $999,999,999? I guess I don't care about space travel anymore"

Obviously. Especially since no one advocates just an income ceiling. If we got 100% over $1b, we would first have a 90% tax from $1m-$1b or whatever arbitrary percentage is deemed equitable and so on.

If it's going to be a tax that actually gets the rich's wealth, you're going to have to tax corporations that make more than $1b at 100% too since most of the rich keep their wealth in corporations rather than a vault of cash.

If it won't effect corporations then we'll be exactly where we are now where the rich pay no taxes anyway because they didn't make money, their corporation did. Further, even if somehow this scheme was successfully implemented in a real way, the rich still wouldn't pay the tax because businesses pass on all of their costs to their customers and employees anyway including their tax burden. In other words, any tax meant to cripple the rich will inevitably be thrust upon the poor who you claim to be defending.

You think you will get that money?!?!?
You'll get DC even fatter and richer.

Why can’t the government just use the military budget to give everyone free money? Then if we end up needing money for a war we can just print it then...

This. It's the only way and we all know it.

>kills all the talented people
> starves to death

yes you fucking retard. If he gets to $1 billion then it gets taken away from him. As soon as can sell for $999,999,999 he would.

> hoard their money
This meme again. Retards think that billionaires have a billion dollars in cash under their mattress.

Their wealth is in assets, stocks, bonds, highly liquid financial instruments.

Take money away from someone who clearly knows how to make money and give it to methheads and single moms. What a wonderful prosperous idea!!

yo retard... u know billionaires dont have 1b worth of cash sitting in a bank account right?

most arent very liquid and even if they tried to be... there isnt a sustainable way to do it because market value vs selling 10% of a company causes massive price fluctuations that markets arent liquid enough for

>Commies would rather everyone be poor than some people be poor and others rich
>If commies had two choices, 1 to give everyone in a room a dollar or to give half of the people in a room 10 dollars and the rest 1 dollar, they'd choose the first

Can we load commies into a cannon and lunch them into the sun

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Yeah...I don't think that's how it really works though. If he just cared about the money he wouldn't be into space travel in the first place. He wants the ego boost too. He likes it when redditfags call him "real world Iron Man" or some cringy shit. When you have that much money I'm willing to bet the status/ego thing is worth even more than the little bit of extra money you could have.

What if we made it so no corporation could pay any of its workers greater than some multiple of the corporation's median pay (or less than some other multiple)? E.g., no more than 40x median for the top brass, and no less than 1/2 the median for the entry-levels.

It would be a fairly simple rule to implement and would directly target inequality.

the reason people are paid minimum wage is because the stuff they do i literally for retards.

If you want nobody to be hired implement this retarded rule, enjoy 30% unemployment and every single low skilled job leaving the country

You've somehow managed to create an idea dumber than minimum wage. Impressive.

"I'm too stupid to make money so I'm going to leech off the smarter guys in the name of equality and righteousness"


It's almost as if that would leave no incentive for high achieving ultra successful people and society would likely suffer for it as a result. People would reach a threshold and just check out entirely - or more likely they would LEAVE YOUR SHITTY COUNTRY and produce goods and services elsewhere. It's a retarded idea.

>minimum wage
Well, that's because I don't support the idea of a minimum wage. It's plainly obvious we don't need to employ people doing menial labor, because whenever we increase minimum wage, businesses "magically" invent technology to do it cheaper... because they could have always just done it that way instead of employing someone at minimum wage.
I would rather businesses focus on improving their technology/productivity than just using minimum wage employees as an excuse to not innovate.

What if we made it so no woman could reject any sexual advances from men greater than some multiple of the woman's attractiveness (or less than some other multiple)? E.g., no more than 40x median for the 10/10s, and no less than 1/2 the median for 2/10s.

It would be a fairly simple rule to implement and would directly target sexual inequality.

Cute idea, but you may be vastly overestimating your own attractiveness relative to the women you are advancing on.

the kid who made that is obviously 18 or pretty good b8

>i mean, we are like, just one big human family you know

>Inherently immoral

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I don't like the idea of The Sun building a wall to keep the commies out and killing all life on earth in the process.

You realize that when a country is lifted out of poverty, the people stop having as many children. Vaccines are part of the plan to save babies from dying so people don't have to have 6+ kids in the hopes that 2 survive.

100% on wealth over 1B is not an income tax. It is literally just seizing all assets of >1B from the individual, and handing it to the government. People would just move outside the USA or have X amount of kids to spread their wealth to. Nobody would be dumb enough to vote for this anyways.

This isn't even what he is suggesting. The redditor is suggesting personal wealth itself over 1bn is somehow taxed, his idea being any new money you make over that 1bn you are forced to keep spending so as not to lose it before it is taken away from you. This already happens, he just can't understand why he is still poor because in his mind the money would be given to him alone for being a fucking retard

Perhaps I assumed too much of someone who uses redd*t. If you can still buy gold, land, stocks, etc, in their vision then they should unironically be prevented from breeding. Why can't statists at least make good arguments for their barbary?

>what is capital flight

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based, redpilled, and dubs checked.

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t. retard
Entrepreneurs don't stimulate the economy. Consumers spending their earnings on goods and services do. Creating quality services that society wants is just a by-product.

billionaires do hoard money though, if they didnt, gold and offshore bank accounts wouldnt be a thing

the us is always at war

>saying pinochet because they are too much of a pussy to say heil hitler

Ancaps are retarded. If they lived ithrough Pinochet regime they would've been thrown off helicopters too

It used to be 90% before Reagan, you could never make it 100% that's just stupid, women are stupid.

Checked. Capital flight would immediately take over. The rich would simply do what they do elsewhere, away from communist faggots

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we sure are getting a lot of double eights in this thread!

fuck off communist piece of shit

hello dumbfuck

People know the difference between net worth and what a person has liquid right guys?

these retards genuinely think that being a billionaire means a billion dollars is just sitting in a vault, doing nothing

The only people who say this think thay after they kill the rich people they will be the new rich people.

Communist writer:

> Kills JK Rowling
> Tries to write new Harry Potter then realizes he's incompetent
> Dies of starvation

2/10 bait.

Ill work around your logic and avoid everything else I find wrong with this. Do you trust that:
>this law will be fully applied to the aristocracy (Amazon paid no income taxes last year). Any exceptions made would create a stronger 0.1%
>that the bracket margins wont be continually lowered in times of financial crisis
>this wouldnt cause a govt shutdown
>be giving a wide amount of wiggle room for tax fraud and double dip accounting
>your own taxes wont stay the same instead of dropping

10/10 wp op