Why do Hispanoids use the name Fatima even they pretend like the Arabs didn’t change them? What next? Muhammad Garcia?
Why do Hispanoids use the name Fatima even they pretend like the Arabs didn’t change them? What next? Muhammad Garcia?
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Maybe because there are quite a few Lebanese people in Latin America.
Are quite common names in Hispanic countries too
Arab last names are common too. Like Mubarak, Borbor, etc.
u wuz at the club
That’s because there’s a shit ton of Lebs in LatAm
My cousin in Ecuador is 1/4 Lebanese and has a Lebanese last name.
"you was" and "we was" are among my biggest pet peeves. Fucking ebonics
can testify to this, dads name is omar and sisters is fatima
Mebarak, char, fadul, Farah, Saab, Bechara are some sandnig last names that come to mind that are common in latam
luke smith
thankfully the Latin American Lebs converted to Christianity (or were Christian to begin with)
What is the ethnic origin of the names "Brayan" and "Maicol"?
If the ISLAMIC BVLLS had expanded the UMMAH earlier on we could have conquered LOS and create the New Andalusian Caliphate.
Alas, the almighty works in mysterious ways, but either way your days are numbered, Christian p*g.
Unironically, Amerimutts.
Elcure, Eljach.
Isn't Cucuta an extension of the Caribbean Coast anyway?
Those are distortions of the names Michael and Bryan, which are anglo. Poor people just fuck up the grammar and write it like they sound in spanish
Fatima is now a Cristian name
>Fatima is also used by non-Muslims: the town of Fátima, Portugal was named after a Moorish princess. It was the site of a famous Marian apparition in 1917, after which it achieved some popularity as a female personal name among Roman Catholic populations, particularly in the Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking worlds.>
Basically a random village in portugal got the apparition of Lady Mary so they called it Lady Mary of Fatima/Nazaré which is a holy place
>If the ISLAMIC BVLLS had expanded the UMMAH earlier on we could have conquered LOS and create the New Andalusian Caliphate.
>Alas, the almighty works in mysterious ways, but either way your days are numbered, Christian p*g.
Kinda, but not too much. It's much more culturally similar to Buca than to, say b/quilla
very disappointed in you, brazil
i hope you're that turkish proxy
wow, that's so bydlo. That's like a Brit naming their son "Hozay"
And that random village was named after the daughter of Muhammad himself
you already know which people use those names, faggot
drop your act
muslims are our friends.
Can you read?It's moorish princess,not arab daugther of muhammad
She got famous because a Christian noble cucked another muslim noble by fucking his daughter
Or John instead of Yohanan...
And that princess was named after Muhammad's daughter.
Actualy, muslims that can claim descent from Fatima are highly regarded in islam. They're a kind of nobility
Maybe in congolimbia
So the descendants of said Christian noble carry Muhahmmad's genes now?
Way to go, Portugal, truly the bulwark of Christianity and of Europe.
Never heard these before
Other fuxked up favelado names I've heard here:
Esneider (sneider) - dutch or German name who cares
Bairon - Byron (don't even think this is a name in any language)
Estiven (distorted Steven)
Yoni (distorted Johnny)
Leidy (yes this is a common name for.lower class women, literally distortion of "lady's)
There are too many and I crack up every time I hear one of those
Because of the fucking virgin that burns retinas as a miracle
kys cuck
Almeida is pretty common though
Panama and Venezuela too. Dunno about the others. Brasil is not Hispanic btw
Byron actually is a name in English. But damn those are funny, do the people that give those names out have ANY self awareness?
I have heard of Leidys here in the US, I think they were Central American immigrants.
Almeida comes from Almedina which means city or home
I'm pretty sure it's mestizos too and not just black people.
Why? there are no muslims in Brazil
In Brazil our favelados like to use names with the anglo "son". Like Cleversson, Anderson, Whinderson, etc
Michael is a Jewish name idiot - מיכאל
... in arab.
Brazil is certainly hispanic. We are not castellan though
>Your name is David therefore you were named after a jew king.
Why yes.
Plenty of people name their kids based on fictional chracters from the bible
They have zero self awareness
They actually believe it's classy to have an anglo sounding name.
I've also heard Brandon before
Lol anderson exists here as well. Fucked up favelados watching too much anglo series
Excuse me for my ignorance, shahar
>Actualy, muslims that can claim descent from Fatima are highly regarded in islam. They're a kind of nobility
Maybe in some retarded Islamic """tradition""". Bloodline doesn't mean shit in Islam, and there's no such thing as royalty.
most newborns here have turkish names thanks to Turkish soap operas
I feel bad for them if anything. Nobody named "Brayan" is going to amount to anything unless they get lucky and become a shitty reggaeton star
Almeida is not directly an Arab last name. It's a Portuguese last name using Arab words but having it doesn't connote Arab descent
Good god. The idea that a fucking jew quoted me makes me sick.
The correct Spanish version is Miguel.
That's the point, that they are naming children with names that already exist in our language.
>not arabs in denial
This. the same gonzalez and rodriguez are sppanish surnams of germanic origin but having it doesn't connote Arab descent
Exactly. That's why it's so ghetto.
How do you feel about low class Latin American people using Ks instead of Qs when they type? It seems completely unnecessary now that even poor people have smartphones
To be honest a bad name can fuck you up for life. There's a common joke around here that if your name is too bad sounding, you might be doomed to a life of poverty and hardships, you might have trouble getting into middle or upper class social circles, getting promotions at your company, etc..... It's not always the case, but some people are already biased against people with these names.
Yeison (Jeisson)
Yenifer (jennifer)
connote germanic descent*
That actually is true. It's like the black people in the US who have made up names. They probably get more of a pass due to the racial dynamic, while in Colombia everyone is mestizo so there's no excuse for it
Turkish soap operas are common in Latin America as well, but the names sound a bit complicated in Spanish so they haven't gained much traction.
My mom is literally crazy about visiting Istanbul and Ankara soon due to these soap operas
I had no idea Turkish soap operas were a big thing outside of Turkey. Do they have high quality or something?
Kek. It's the same here. Why do third worlders watch so much turkish shows?
It really annoys me, but not only poor people do it, Spanish speakers have really poor grammar when texting or sometimes even when sending mails, most of the time it's intentional or pure laziness, but it still gets on my nerves.
There are a lot of blacks and "Hispanic whites" as well. Mestizos are like 49%. What's fun is that these names are not associated with race, it's mostly related to social status. you can find all type of people living in poverty. From blacks, to mestizos to Caucasian looking people. You can alsoml find a lot of mestizos or blacks in the middle class or even in the upper classes, not only "white" passing people
>Turkish soap operas are common in Latin America
not at all in brazil
they aired one but no one watched
Are you the Chicano namefag?
how do you fuck up Spanish grammar? Even I know it pretty well, it seems easy
Despite what Jow Forumstards say, the middle class in Latin America is mostly mestizo people unless you're in a country that's very Euro heavy. I went to Ecuador and the middle class/rich people looked the same as the poor people in terms of phenotype.
I'm not a Semite.
They are popular literally everywhere in Latin America From Mexico down to Tierra del Fuego.
I honestly think it's because their broadcasting rights aren't expensive and they are decent to keep moms and grandmas entertained in the afternoons
Neither are they in Mexicos
No, I'm not Chicano and I just started posting on Jow Forums again recently after a 4 year hiatus
I have a question, why do the taco trucks here in Brooklyn often have "bistec" spelled like "bistek"?
Are you dumb?Moorish princess,not arab princess.
And it's a folk tale
Moors are berbers tho not blacks
>You can alsoml find a lot of mestizos or blacks in the middle class or even in the upper classes, not only "white" passing people
I used to think all of Latin America was like that until I went to Chile.
Almost every single upper class person I met had blue eyes, blond hair or both.
It really creeped me out, being used to the complete creatureness of Congolombia, it caught me off guard.
>how do you fuck up Spanish grammar? Even I know it pretty well, it seems easy
1. As I said, a lot of people fuck it up intentionally or are too lazy.
2. Spanish grammar is not as simple as most foreign language learners believe, as with most languages, it's simple enough to make yourself understood, but not so to write in a completely perfect way.
It's recent here, our national channel used to play mexican shows only back then in early to mid 2000s, it wasn't until we got access to middle eastern tv channels that turkish shows became popular.
Well Ecuador doesn't have a coast on the Atlantic so naturally they didn't receive large influxes of African slaves or European colonists, hence why their native population remained purer. But most South American countries with a coast on the Atlantic (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, colombia, Uruguay) and the Caribbean islands received constant influxes of Africans and Europeans for centuries, that's why they are way more "muttiffied" than inland nation's like Ecuador, Peru or bolivia
Chile actually is mostly Euro blood, though. I think the mestizos there are often from other Latin American countries that are poorer
they are dropping them now here for Korean ones
I mean, there's a fair amount of Euro blood in Ecuador (I would guess about 1/3) but from my observations, the wealthier people didn't look much more European than the poor people (if at all)
>Chile actually is mostly Euro blood, though. I think the mestizos there are often from other Latin American countries that are poorer
Not at all, immigrants make up 8% of the population there, more than in other Latin American countries but not significant enough to alter its demographics.
It's just a really heavily socially stratified country, poor people there a lot of the time looked like outright Indians, which I found pretty weird.
Between immigrants and their children, it seems feasible to me that a lot of their poorer folk might be from elsewhere in South America. Or perhaps the indigenous looking people live in villages, where poverty persists
Chile is indio as fuck
It's quite interesting because even though that bias exists here too, you can still find blacks and mixed people in the upper classes that you could also find in any poor neighborhood. And vice versa, you could find what we call " monos" or "white" passing people living in poverty too. A Brazilian and a PR user told me it happens in their countries too
The Mexican middle/upper class looks overwhelmingly mestizo to me too
Chile Is majority mestizo leaning to the Caucasian side. (Around 60%) which is higher than the Latin American average but still lower than all of atlantic South America and Caribbean coutries like PR and Cuba.
Their secret lies in the fact that they are far from drug routes, they have strong institutions, vast mineral reserves and a mostly racially homogenous society (something that most of Latin America doesn't have)
>it seems feasible to me that a lot of their poorer folk might be from elsewhere in South America
You are saying this from an American perspective but you don't understand, mass immigration that radically alters demographics is not a common phenomenon, 20 years ago Chile barely had any immigrants from the rest of Latin America, those people have arrived very recently.
He has a point though. Economic migrants tend to live in significantly worse conditions than local citizens. Peruvian and Bolivian immigrants in Chile rarely.make part of the middle class. Colombian Blacks from the Pacific living in Antofagasta literally arrived to shantytowns and most probably haven't upgraded after years.
That happens here with Venezuelans too, they come, some live in sketchy pensions at different cities' downtown's, others rent a house and live with other 10 people in the same household. Only a tiny minority integrates straight into the middle class, let alone the upper classes
Yes, but that's besides the point, Latin American immigration to Chile is a recent phenomenon, most lower class Chileans are still Mestizos of completely local origin.