I work in the same area of SF as Sergey.
Today I was grabbing lunch by their building and noticed something about a manhole cover in the street (pic related).

These were all over the road by that building.


So LINKies, what does it mean?

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it's curious the sort of things one notices while shitting on a street. hmm?

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He lives in SF?

Where is LINK HQ?

its a nail salon

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Stop using my fucking meme you cunt fuckhead!!!

*flushing intensifies*

>it's real
what the actual fuck
Kek is speaking to us

I saw Sergey in an upscale steakhouse the other day. At first I couldn’t recognize him because of all the weight he’s put on recently even though I was sitting at the next table over. But I knew it was him after I overheard someone asking the waiter if they served Big Macs, which of course they didn’t, and as I turned around he began to throw a tantrum, tossing his menu onto the floor and pounding his fists on the table.

“Don’t you fucking know what my PSD2 compliant decentralized oracles are going to do for the smart contract economy you stupid wage slave!?” He shrieked, to the shock of the other restaurant patrons. It looked like him and Rory were having an important meeting with financial types before his hangry attitude kicked in, so Rory hastily dug into his leather man purse and pulled out a crumpled, grease-dotted McDonalds bag, gingerly handing it to Sergey under the table.

“Sergey sweetie, you promised you wouldn’t act this way, we’re going to have to go home after this with no second Big Mac if you don’t behave,” stammered Rory, attempting to calm the angry giant. Sergey snatched the bag and retaliated with an extremely loud fart before greedily unwrapping and chowing down on the Big Mac inside. I decided to leave shortly thereafter since I didn’t feel safe around Sergey’s unpredictable behavior, and the fart wafted onto my food anyhow.

top kek, I'm a linkie and I enjoy these

can someone with ps skills edit in link logos onto that

interesting because his first project was NXT and then LINK

I'm never doubting kek again

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Ok this was funny

That’s where he got the logo from

and both his companies' names

In our hearts.


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>Got both the company name and logo from a manhole cover
what did he mean by this

I can't remember the name, but it is legit very close to a McDonalds.

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Sergey is having concealed big mac turrets installed on every street near his office. He is doing this so that while he makes his hourly trips to and from the half dozen McDonald's restaurants in the area, he can just open his mouth and the turrets will rise and shoot burgers at him. He won't be able to catch all of them - but don't worry, he doesn't mind eating off the footpath.


How do these decentralized autocannons know when Sergey steps outside? How can they reference his GPS location? Answer: Oracles

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about sergey. u wouldnt say this shit to him at sibos, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest flannels, eats at the chillest mcdonalds and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

You can't honestly believe such a shitcoin has an HQ

Three weeks ago I pissed next to sergey at an Olive Garden. He could have used the urinal a few feet away but he liked the urinal next to mine. Anyhow, the guy stood next to me and chuckled saying how he has to drain the ol’ snake and thus whipped out his flaccid 8 incher. He also pulled his pants down to his ankles because according to him the breeze felt nice between his nuts and asshole. He just stood with his arms out like Wolverine yelling “fuck yeah” each second he pissed. Afterwards He turned and faced the bathroom door as urine dripped from his dick hanging over his nut sack while staring maniacally into nothingness.