Why does a third of Germans look like gypsies in 1930s ?

Why does a third of Germans look like gypsies in 1930s ?
I always thought it was aryan country, but even my school in Povolzhye looked whiter

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Race is a social construct

Nazis were deluded mutts

they fooled you

Fascism and nazism has always been the ideology for ugly people.
All the good looking germans were socialists or liberals and was therefor in jail when that picture was taken

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people went outside back in the day and most of them are probably tanned

>we wuz romangz n shiet

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my grandpa is as brown as a leathern shoe and he got declared racially pure and sent to Austria for ethnic assimilation because the nazis thought they owed by dead great-grandpa a solid for having been a nazi collaborator...so there's no telling how many of the chaps on the pic were part Jewish, Polish, Gypsy and whomever else you can think of living in 1930s Germany.

Holy Roman Empire

they look like some meme people from american comic books

>went to berlin last year
>german chads with 10/10 aryan gfs walking about
>only darkies are beggars and a few turk policemen
don't fall for the memes, germany stronk

it seems nazism was irrelevant to racism , though .
Am I right ?

Shitposting aside it just looks like some random youth.

No, Germany is on top today still

but there are actually none Aryans in the pic .

still not roman

Holy Roman

>one eye on the Aryan struggle, one eye on the International Jewry

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dios mio...

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Stop bullying Germany, you people are definitely uglier than any German

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Nice joke mate lmao

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i've been to germany and their women are overrated, i've been only to the south so i can't tell about the north, might be different there
>you people are definitely uglier than any German
nah, germans used croatian people as nazi ideals during ww2 unironically

100% aryan super-dupermen.


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these are the people calling people mutts

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Don't kid yourself Yuggo rat


Even the Nazis said that only 55% of the Germans were of Nordic type.

>Don't kid yourself Yuggo rat

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>fascism and nazism are the same
>swedish intellectuals
Fascism isn't even tied to race, imbecile

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g*Rman twinks fear the Russian BVLL

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In terms of looks, we're your superiors, even your women are aware of it, hence them traveling to get fucked here into oblivion.

Jow Forums:
>minority white
>majority homosexual
>very Jewish board

You are that Brazilian larping as Russian, right? Too bad you don't look like these cherrypicked Russians neither you will suck their dicks.

left to right , top to bottom

brit Irish yugo Italian brit
hungry german Spanish Turkish incel


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H-he's fast...

why he is so FAsT in the asylum ?

I despise both communism and nazism.

But Germans were 1000% more aesthetic than any commie propaganda. Russians are just jelly copycats

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>You are that Brazilian larping as Russian, right?
And you're just a Brazilian LOL

I'm OK with this.

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>he is okay with living in the new world

August der Scharfschütze

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she looks mentally challenged

pic unrelated

right is better than though, more interesting artistic style
but not here

Literal larping

Thank God Hitler existed and inflicted mortal wounds on the Jewish communist machinery.

Migrants, Russia is pure of blood Germans are negrolized arabs

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The G*rman menace!

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VERY fast himmler running at incredible hihg speed

He just said that they are similar in regard to ugly people following both of them. Are you that desperate to act like a an obnoxious smartass?

holy fucking cope

To think that people didn't break out laughing back then

>I spy two albinos
Fucking albinos what the fuck do they eat?


Thats genetic perfection he's starting at

Nazis would claims ancient greeks and romans were actually nordics because they didn't want their ancestors to be half naked grugs living in the woods

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Lol. What are you talking about?
The proportion of the blond population is less than in Russia. They even have an epicantus.


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Hunnic invasions

There’s no fucking way this guy is German

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That's not what gypsies look like, you drunk Mongol.

Ancient Greeks and Roman were yamnaya descendants, who were ancient Eurasian descendants
Basically nordic

Normal looking people for their age and circumstances.

Very telling that nearly all of them are ugly and so recessed that it's noticeable even from the front.

Take your meds, Abdullah.

Pro-tip: White Americans are just German + Irish mutts

If you think that's normal, you probably need chin and jaw surgery yourself.

You ok big forehead?

>who were who were who were who were
And then everyone is an african


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Feels good being superior Greek.


back to work hans
you have to loan me a couple of billions next month

That's ok hans, recessing hair isn't a crime

Jokes on you, I am a NEET.

so you are a greek too, my brother


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No, I don't have any Turkish ancestors.

>(x) doubt

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hayaku hayaku!!

Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.

Some of these guys look like they could be Brazilian football players, straight from the favelas.

Yamnayans, by the time they've arrived to Italy and Greece, were heavily altered by Neolithic and Cromagnon intrusions.

cringe but based

Hitler himself hated Himmlers disgusting larping