Other urls found in this thread:
Throwing oil on the proverbial fire
just got called a race mixer for eating hovis best of both bread
Don't want to get really big just want to be toned and lean.
NEED to have sex lads
On this day in British History
>1035 – William the Conqueror becomes the Duke of Normandy, reigns until 1087.
>1767 – Pitcairn Island is discovered by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret.
>1778 – American Revolutionary War: Iroquois allied to Britain kill 360 people in the Wyoming Valley massacre.
>1916 - World War I: Battle of Albert – British forces capture parts of La Boisselle and Ovillers from the Germans
>1938 – World speed record for a steam locomotive is set in England, by the Mallard, which reaches a speed of 125.88 miles per hour (202.58 km/h).
>1940 – World War II: To stop ships from falling into German hands the French fleet of the Atlantic based at Mers El Kébir, is bombarded by the British fleet, coming from Gibraltar, causing the loss of three battleships: Dunkerque, Provence and French battleship Bretagne. One thousand two hundred sailors perish.
>1967 – The Aden Emergency: The Battle of the Crater in which the British Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders retake the Crater district following the Arab Police mutiny.
>1970 – The Troubles: The "Falls Curfew" begins in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
>1996 – Stone of Scone is returned to Scotland
Rise up, gamer boys..
Got a cold. my first one in around 6 months
hate disgusting cunts who sneeze and cough everywhere on public transport
compared to what?
>Don't want to get really big
Don’t worry, you won’t
As a race realist, I don't think Lewis Hamilton can win this one
old tattoo
You won't without gear.
dumb crossposter
Then just have sex
why yes, I do have a mickey mouse tattoo
she is so unappealing
genuinely don't understand internet runts
hanging on as ComChi in Darkest Hour atm
most politicians, you absolute mong
>hurrr b-but a senator in [banan republic] has a cuter one
old tattoo
reckon im allowed to post something i saved a week ago x
I'm going to buy her bath water and then ingest Essence of Delphine. Should be interesting
you're allowed to post whatever you want but if it's off-topic then you'll cop what's coming to you
>Mistresses of various ministers and officials
>Actual politician who BTFOs Schlomo
most politicians are male so that goes without saying idiot
Crossposter lad out for blood
All republicans need to die
Prove me wrong
might roll down to old maui
love boats
agree if you mean all "countries" that aren't monarchies
remember this haha
literally exactly my willy
i sure hope none of us have brought her bath water haha
Doing a crosspost
84% of adults in this country are overweight or obese; it's most definitely an issue of presentation.
Additional factors like poor dress, poor haircut, alcohol abuse, smoking etc. are all factors too.
People are ugly for all sorts of reasons, but lifestyle and effort are contributing factors for pretty much everybody.
chad freighter vs the virgin fishing boat
Guy in my job constantly going on about how he's trying to get fit again and training, going on jogs every night etc
Its an office of middle aged people, who’s he trying to impress
Why doesn't Greggs sell eggs
Is that that German cunt
Hope she suffers in prison
you ;)
himself, mayhaps?
*takes a puff of my pipe*
what happened?
Just making small talk no need to be such a vf over it x
t. fat cunt
learnt how to make welsh cawl lads
making small talk with 3 middle aged women is for gimps
it's the great anglo-french scallop war of 2018
business idea: Brexit Bang Bus
Nah, I’m in alright nick. But he’s going on ‘oh its hard getting back to a high fitness level yano’.
No, I don’t think a woman with three kids does know, you absolute clown
>slice of brown toast for main course
>slice of white toast for pudding
brexit is now officially canceled
brexit in bed
>84% of adults in this country are overweight or obese
Ah yes provincial britain lmao
Pudding as a course? But pudding is a dish
idea: brexit at tiffanys
Cagers are retarded and very low IQ
Is it gay to dream about fucking a man in the ass?
My friend really wants to know
I want breakfast and head
as we well know bmi classification comes with it its own problems
even among places like here there is a sexual approval (admittably imbued with irony for some) for a lot of people (women in particular) who would be classified as at least overweight.
The average person, even the average overweight persons, face is not flawed by its bodyfat % but its skeletal and collegenial foundations. As I have said there are of course people who are so heinously fat that it obscures what could otherwise be a strong structure.
in style i consider your first two and other two i consider bodial health just like weight, in other words those factors have already been addressed.
Very few people are ugly due to their choices. does that mean everyone or even most people are looksmaxed? no of course not because for a lot of people the time or money invovled is not worth the marginal (0.1, 0.2 or whatever) increases. There is no haircut that turns an ugly person into an attractive one no matter how much hollywood would like to make it so with their faux ugliness of bad haircut and glasses. They aren't fooling anyone - well besides you.
literally not true if you believe this you are very low iq
imagine the stench
only two things matter to me
bacon and beards
Lad at work was talking about how he wants to go travelling but go to places with proper culture and not touristy places but then goes to dominoes for pizza and get a BBQ sauce base.
Highly doubt normies fully grasp their own thoughts 2bh
really hate when women sit in ways like this
it's unattractive and unladylike and any stupid cunt who defends it by pointing to their runty libido is a rodent
All cagers ought to be crucified
Imagine ever setting foot in the deathtrap that is an automobile
Man should never have stopped using horses
Why don't *you* buy *me* a drink? Haha
good bants, that
>BMI-is-flawed meme
The only flaws with BMI are that the parameters are meant for white European populations. Different ethnicities actually have lower parameters for being overweight and obese (for medical reasons - Asians and black people with a BMI of 25 are far more prone to diabetes than a white person with a BMI of 25).
Even with large milkers and wide hips a healthy woman should still have a BMI at or below 25.
this is some next level shitpost bringing in racial context when the major and main criticism is to do with atheletes jesus fucking christ
>it's unattractive and unladylike
shagged 4 times in the last 18 hours
what's worse? hat posting or crying soyboy posting?
ah yes
If you were to travel to one city in the world solely to go on a massive binge of food, where would you go?
What's the lucky lad's name?
182cm tall
12 stone 5 pounds
bmi of 23.6
crying soyboy
hat posting is based you queer
thailand or italy
people always harp on about barcelona and stuff for food but I'd probably just go to NYC or London were cost not an issue
not what i asked
Heartattack City, USA
ah yes
Italy is my favourite city, after Russia
Obviously japan
Hong Kong
I don't know it for sure but i know that in local jails those men who fuck in the ass other men aren't considered as gays. Tho logic like that looks a bit weird for me.