Write something positive about the flag above your post

Write something positive about the flag above your post.

Since I'm starting, I'll just pick Germany. I admire your computer/hacker culture (CCC especially) and hope someday the USA values privacy in the same way. Either the USA is going to become China or Germany in that regard, who knows.

Attached: brittany celtic wilson.jpg (572x991, 164K)

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I like the NFL and I enjoy watching Patriots play

I find it amazing that Spain colonized 1/4th of the globe

Also have you watched Canadian hand-egg? It's surprisingly good

Amigo Gracias por hAlA mAdRiD y nAdA mas

seems always happy persons

Sadghuru is a cool dude and I enjoyed listening to his videos when I was depressed.

You have a cool flag. I think that light blue is really pretty.

Polish doctors I’ve interacted with were cool

He’s based yes but he’s just a crypto capitalist with a twisted moral compass

I admire your open sexuality

Attached: finland moomin 2.jpg (736x960, 78K)

Why is that? I've never heard of him

He speaks about spiritualism and religion while building his institution off environmental land. He also charges exorbitant fees for speeches and his annual shivaratri celebration invitations are pretty much A list celebrities only which defeats the whole purpose of somebody celebrating Shiva.

Damn, there is a lot more to learn about India than I know already. The most I had was a roommate of the surname Patel from my hometown and college, but he was so assimilated into American culture that I didn't learn much for him.

One day I went to Diwali with him but that's obviously not too much.

Hole you enjoyed the food m8 is not too bad

I like indian massage and indian history is pretty cool too

Funny enough I didn't learn to appreciate Indian food until recently, when I went on keto diet


This lady has a lot of great recipes and I learned how to cook a lot of Indian dishes (albeit substitute away the carbs). I actually never had chicken tikka masala despite the Brits being crazy over it, and since then I have stocked my spice pantry with an incredible amount of Indian spices. Thanks so much

Yw lad thanks for making the superior pizzas

You continue to post despite all the shit thrown at you on this board. Nice buildings and monuments I guess

I like Mexican cuisine

Unironically, communism. Five year plans were the greatest things to ever happen to india post independence.

Incredibly beautiful nature and a decent country outside of big cities

The only people who actually fight against their goverment

Good quality appliances.

Really nice tourist place and a unique language, would love to visit.

I adore the plurality of written forms for Serbian. I know that many dislike it, but I love how one language can have different visual appearances.

Attached: letters serbian cyrillic.gif (580x403, 15K)

The First Amendment in USA constitution is based and I wish the UK had it

Thanks for your support.

Your fight against the Chinese government is very inspirational.

Kino cyperpunk city

I like the Max Planck institutes

The Buddhist monasteries in the mountains of Nepal look like the comfiest places on earth

Actually a based country, good people too.

you hate indians like i do

also good French rap comes from Algeria

The best suburbs in the world

the witcher series is nice

looks like a cool touristic destination


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you are a lot more progressive than other arab countries

you have cute boys