In this thread, we share our memes, stories, messages to the future, and anything else related to ChainLink that we want to preserve through the archives. Years from now we will look back and cherish these simple times, and newfags will want a glimpse of pre-singularity biz. Let's go boys.
I'm going to make it, mom!
I made multiple LINK forks
Post em user
I’m not giving up my rare forks until I make it
Years from now 1/4 of you will have suicide and the rest will think back upon this time with embarrassment
Ive been holding LINK for a year but for fucks sake just fuck off with this circle jerk. Go do something with your time besides this mental masturbation on the project day in and day out,
>that Ronald statue
Comfy image, OP. ty
fucking dying
and checked
powerful post user
Sergey Nazarov Understands The Internet So Well. Memes Have Economic Value.
Sometimes I larp as a linkie who only eats oatmeal.
Wonder if I should come back out now?
I only have 1081 of these things but I hope I make it.
Should’ve bought more user, instead of putting another $50 into hot for some reason. You fucking idiot.
Our boy Sergey. Not batting an eye. Focused on the task at hand.
Also checked.
I have told everyone I know about link and it's potential. My conscious is now clean so that when I'm retired before I'm 25 I will have no problem laughing at anyone begging for handouts. I fucking hate all of you. Je crois encore...
Because 1/4 will have sold too early and the rest would have been embarrassed for not accumulating more. Thanks rkg.
Earliest LINK meme was probably
Grandpappy used an old smart phone which is similar to the cochlear communication devices you kids have now to make an OC meme at 22¢.
>>now run up to bed little Kek and Sergey
Didn't tell every single person I know for opsec reasons but I shilled it wholeheartedly to handful of deserving friends. As far as I can tell only one has listened. I've never actually been in a situation where I was so sure of my future outcome that I purposely telegraphed my intentions in order to ensure karmic balance. Are we Jews now?
We'll be wealthy enough that we can start our own tribe. I think it's like a franchise iirc.
Me too, i only have 1k as suicide insurance but i went all in Linkpool
McDonalds' and flushing memes appeared in september. Rent free meme appeared in November, during the hell Fall
This shit is fucking hilarious
zesrałem się i śmierdzi
chainchuj nigdy nie będzie niczym poza forsomemem i niedługo zdechnie
0$ eoy
nice mason get
forgot link
Remember when everyone thought Sergey was going to be presenting on stage in front of thousands at SIBOS? And we were making fun of Ripple's SWELL conference because it was so small by comparison?
And then, well, you know the rest
I hate all of you but at the same time I love you
Also we invented the concept "Weaponized Autism" which is truly revolutionary
checked!! that is fucking beautiful. is it your OC? if it is pls change the laptop screen to a Jow Forums 'it's happening tonight!' thread
So much this
I took a loan to buy link.
Wonder if this will be a good decision in 5 years. I'm happy I've taken the chance regardless as I feel I've nothing to lose really.
Hey future fags, I hope you are watching this with some LINKs in your wallet. A Finn here. I WILL USE ALL THE DRUGS POWERED BY CHAINLINK™
Ps. 22820181736cba6
Dear Future, I hope you bought Chainlink.
t. Past.
Never forget that Jason Parser shadowforked Chainlink. This crisis was barely averted due to the brave marines who exposed this plot.
So I ended up actually getting hired at McDonald's. SF South Bay Area. And guess who I saw. Sergey fucking nazarov.
It turns out he's a regular at this establishment and apparently he is a very liked around here. So being the new guy I got ushered to the till to have to take his order. Like a proper kind of NEET I gracefully asked what he would like to order. With my previous experience of him embarrassing me just a few days before, this was no easy task.
"Hi there welcome to McDonald's what can I get for yo..." I attempted to ask cuz he cut me off " I hope you took that money and invested in chain link friend" and then I told him I already had 10K.
He stopped for a moment and stare straight into my eyes his cheeks turning red; I knew I had stumbled him at this point. But went from blushing to a fully red face and a smile that turned incredibly angry I knew I wasn't safe. Before I could react Sergey had already jumped over the counter and grabbed me by my visor. I couldn't believe it how could a man of 500 pounds move so swiftly. And while I was getting my head pummeled in and my arms chewed as if they were a McChicken I put the pieces together. Sergey is an Android made by the Swift Institution. He has been designed to consume all blockchains, humans and the world. It took multiple co-workers and bystanders waiting in line to pull him off of me. They threw multiple McChickens out of the doorway to bait him out of the restaurant. And I was quickly rushed to the hospital. Where I received a basket of flowers and I'm sorry card containing a gift card to Applebee's for $25. My boss has suggested moving me to another McDonald's location to prevent future disputes with their highest paying regular. thanks for being there for me.
So you are one of my 185 brothers
Make sure to include this.
I will get a Chainlink tattoo when it hits $100