>Chinese """""""engineering"""""""
Chinese """""""engineering"""""""
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careful bro you get banned for posting these on blue boards for some reason
nothing nsfw here since there is no blood/gore.
skin in the game as taleb would say
you can still get banned because most mods have yellow fever and anything negative about asians and their dogshit culture is regarded as a hostile attack
playing jenga with boys
China is literally Final Destination: The Country
Is that why you moved to Canada?
I'm not chinese.
Is it rekt thread?
Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless
My cousin is going to visit Hong Kong and im fucking scared. I don't want her to be eaten alive by an escalator or die in some final destination way. How i convince her of not going in that cursed land?
I mean that's a sinkhole. Can't do much about those.
This honestly doesn’t look that serious just normal accident that can happen everywhere. Unlike therest which are fucking surreal.
You might as well say you are one because your entire country is going to be full of Asians and hapas in the next 30 years
>My cousin is going to visit Hong Kong and im fucking scared
Nigga you live in Brazil. HK is literally a million times better than anywhere in your country.
Literals insects
Wtf, context?
Hong Kong has british engineering so it's fine for now. Just tell her not to go to the mainland
Hi Zhang.
What the fuck
enjoying your 1st week on 4channel?
you see these accidents because china is actually building new things all the time, unlike the west in a permanent and terminal state of stagnant decaty
chinkoids take "all you can eat" too literally
Hi Chong
*goofy scream*
Why the fuck would he ride into it? Was the street marked with chink insect pheromones and he decided not to trust his sight but his smell instead?
>mother ignores kid on the ground
How did the baby...?
tf is this shit?
It went under the car. Extreme luck was involved
well, he really didn't want to wait
I like how the retard on the car reverses potentially running over the baby again. And these people have an average IQ of 108. Fucking kek
hey, more protein=more good
This triggers the american
Have sex
Now I am glad that I live in comfy af western europe with based France as neighbour and Denmark as my hat
*casually rides into the depth*
Extremely based
You should check the Chinese-built road in a few decades when the Africans don't do any upkeep or reparations
I have a lot of other China webms but they're mostly NSFW due to blood and gore. Just a quick reminder that there hundreds of chink shills on this board, just post one of these webms and they'll quickly retreat like this insect over here.
If that shit happens every day I guess a guy would get used to it
People say that the social credit system in China is really something disturbing, but after seeing enough Webms of China I’m convinced that those insect people need something like that to keep them in check
a-are they ok user?
>I have a lot of other China webms but they're mostly NSFW due to blood and gore
Fuck jannies. People used to post some gore in blue boards before.
and also extremely hypocrite, pic related is the mbuji-kananga road built by the chinese, and on top of that they have chinese officials at roadstops making them pay 10$ per car to drive on this shit
It's the guy who just drives in that makes it funny
>+5 social credits points have been added to your accounts for "Defense of the Hive reputation"
the guy in the tuktuk ceased to exist
Brudi hau mal bitte mehr von denen hier rein. Die sind lit asf
They probably removed his remains
>making them pay 10$ per car to drive on this shit
based chinks
How? Did they slurp him up with a vacuum?
is that why chinese immigrate en mass to west and buy up all the overpriced property??
kino as fuck
These images and videos are all lies by the deceitful western powers to discredit China. China has never hurt anyone. China has only helped. Why does the west hate China ?
Nitpicking two random roads in the whole of Africa is easy
RDC is also much, much bigger than Equatorial Guinea and is full of jungles, making roads there isn't as easy as making roads in a country the size of Belgium
I mean being crushed by a truck seems to be common so probably?
fucking Chinks stealing western technologies once again (here the US cardboard-housing, applied to commieblocks)
>implying I'm a chink shill
are they alive?
Where the fuck do they even get these "the average Chinese has an average IQ of 200 and then some"?
and 100$ per truck, by the way, and the drivers have to rebuild the bridges on their way as a bonus
He wasn't complimenting China you dumb frog
They probably pay the smug fucks at PISA to rig the test results, or only let them do the tests in their elite schools.
I laugh at anyone who thinks Chinks are in Africa trying to help them out in any way. They're there to rip the niggers off with one sided loans, jew them out of all their resources when the loan terms are inevitably broken then leave them with some half-finished highways and ports that will fall apart in 5 years due to the double digit IQs of the people tasked with maintaining them.
Xi Dada fixed everything now
That's literally highway robbery
Tbh at least the truck tried to avoid him
stupid mother, stupid car driver, holy shit the baby still moves
lel'd hard
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What were those tiles built over? A sewer?
He didn't reverse because he was too stupid to realize that, he just didn't care.
Just because it's called wallpaper doesn't mean you are supposed to build walls from it.
LMAO and I always thought Germans were beasts at the buffet
if he didn't, he actually might have survived though
>the beta austrian leftover eater vs the chad german food supplier
chinese investments are the main reason for the (healthy) economic growth in africa
Xi is a hiddenly dungeoneer, he's torturing his countrymen on purpose.
No, that webm just shows that you're the chinks of Europe
at least we're not the inbred alpine farmers of europe.
Those would be the Swiss but there's no point in bickering, at least we're not angl*ids