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Intellect + Ambition = Financial success. This is the ladder, now watch me climb.

Dominate your room

take your antidepressants goy

clean your controlled opposition

>posting this Jow Forumsthe_Donald faggot con artist

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What does no intellect + ambition equal?

I like watching some of his psychology courses, it's great that he provides them free online so you don't have to pay the jewniversity. His stuff of myth and the value of tradition is pretty good, but honestly the more I listen to him the more I realize he only sees half the picture.

He's a genius

this is what i mean, his psych courses are good, he's a better professor than most I had in uni. but after reading 12 rules for life I got pretty disillusioned with him since he only actually wrote like half the book, after the seven or eighth rule it devolves into "stories from when I was a counselor" just like Jung


You forgot drive/discipline faggot

Juden "White nationalism is bad but Zionism is ok" peterstein

his psych and self improvement stuff is all really legit and good advice everyone should follow

however when he gets into politics or anything else he's just a charlatan who figured out how to make money off SJW rage, theres nothing he says that's valuable when he steps out of his field

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>figured out how to make money off SJW rage
whats wrong with that

Good marketing + dumb consumers = financial success

That's how Peterson did it anyway

nothing particularly wrong with that part, just the part that he's a charlatan when he's not talking about psych stuff and people are listening to him like his word is law

Disagree. None of his shit is good. I would never take advice from a conman like him.

His audience is all redditors lacking a father figure too. There's a reason he got shilled so hard with all of the newfags during the election on Jow Forums.

>His audience is all redditors lacking a father figure too
this is exactly who his advice works on best with though
those people that didnt have someone to tell them to clean their room or how to adopt responsibility etc.
these are valuable lessons that people need to learn and that's really his place and where his niche is

this is purely anecdotal but I know someone who grew up without parents and they were miserable their whole life, then they started watching his lectures and his life rapidly improved afterwards
just because you're not finding value from it, doesn't mean there is none

Lots of people find comfort in stupid shit it doesn't mean I don't think its stupid shit though. He gets paid so much and takes money from these people for what amounts to self righteous regurgitation. He's deplorable.

12 rules is literally a self help book. its trash from a person of his intellectual standing.

I'm glad there's a voice for people who didn't have a father figure to raise them.

It is literally a self help book, as can be seen from the title

alot of people need help

if you want academic shit read Maps of Meaning

>fell for the creationist meme
Guess I’ll leave my room as is

Saw him on Josh Rogan's pod cast. Was talking about writing a book about cleaning rooms.

He's not a creationist